Price Increase at Christmas Need Help

Hey guys,
I’ve been a host on airbnb now since December 2017 and have received Super host twice this year and have 100% 5 star reviews (26 reviews). I recently had a couple of teenagers stay and while they didn’t trash the house, they ignored all communication and house rules. I don’t wish to attract such guests again (too stressful). I considered raising my price slightly to deter such people. Thoughts on this? Also, am considering upping my prices for Christmas but have no idea how much to increase to? (we have a high saturation of airbnb’s in my area. What date would be recommended to raise the December prices?
It must be said that our airbnb is pretty unique and amazing, it is up in the trees, close to the ocean and all conveniences, we have a hot tub, plunge pool and sauna, the bedrooms are beautifully furnished and highest quality linens, they have total privacy etc…
Keen to hear your thoughts.
Kind regards,
Tam :grinning:

No harm in trying to get away with higher prices, everyone says you get a better crowd - but is it necessary, if you’ve only had one booking that was disappointing, in 8 months? It seems to be running ok at the moment, only your local competition can give you a clue as to prices.
It sounds like high-end, I can understand why you wouldn’t want teens in there…but you could hike the prices and still get teens…or even adults that might disrespect the place.
Time to start checking the calendars of other places nearby, see what they’re charging over xmas

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Also keen to hear how we can avoid such guests. I’m a new host with zero experience. 3 bookings in the pipeline and feeling nervous, they are in the twenties to late thirties age group. the young ones have positive reviews so i’m not worried. but the “oldest” one has zero reviews.

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There are lots of threads to help you, search them- house rules, cameras, close supervision, good relations with neighbors to name a few

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Depends on where you are, and whether you are there at the listing or somewhere else. We get a fair selection of late 20s to late 30s guests and they have all been superior guests. We’re 20 minutes from beaches, pool at their door, etc. Just had an early 30s couple leave yesterday.

Zing the guests on ignoring Comm and House Rules. – 3 stars each and mentioned in the Public part of the Review like this: “Guests were nice enough, but ignored all communications and house rules.”

Remember – Reviews are for your fellow hosts, not so much for guests If I saw a potential gust review that said above about comm and rules, I would refuse them out of hand.

We don’t raise for Christmas, per se. But we DO raise for our High Season which is basically December to May. During High Season we’re 1/3 higher than now at the pit of Low Season ($65 per night vs $99 per night). If you’re only raising for Christmas I would raise from 15 December to 15 January.

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I usually check hotels rates in the area and then lower that nightly price about $50. I also compare prices with my competition in the area.

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I’m awarding you 2** in advance for being the first to mention the dreaded C word this year!

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I’ve raised our price for Halloween too so people don’t think our place is a cheap place where they can party and trash the place.

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Thanks Barns, I appreciate what you are saying :slight_smile:

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