Previous guest who left poor review books again

Have you guys had that happen? Had a guy, his ESA, his sister and his young nephew and they were good (not great) guests but I had said I would welcome them back. He gave me 4* overall, 1 for location, 3 for value, 4 for accuracy and 5 for communication, cleanliness and check-in. So now, 18 months later, the guy wants to come back by himself and he is booking the one room whole house listing and has not indicated he is bringing his ESA and is confused about the listings (likely because only the 2 bedroom whole house listing came up when he searched last time for 3 people and 3 beds). He claims he has since learned that less than 5 star reviews are punishing and didn’t mean for it

(UPDATED below from original post as I read more of his reviews and noticed that they were all out of order for some reason.)

quite possible since I was his first or second review and one of his reviews was ho he left the front door wide open and trash everywhere when he was granted a free late checkout). His response to that was not great though as he said he had sleep apnea which caused short term memory loss (although he said it was not an excuse) and why was host so worried about house being left with door wide open for 5 hours since it is such a nice and safe neighborhood and if there had been anything missing he would have paid for it.

Decline and block. If you can’t find block option (I think they removed it) then call Airbnb.

Also, I haven’t had that happen.


Actually, I don’t care enough about reviews to turn down the money and I currently have no other bookings (other than a 16 day stay that is living at my farm with me now). Besides, I kind of read him the riot act in my response to him when I accepted his booking. If I remember correctly everything had been neat it was just that he had been kind of needy with questions. Surprisingly though he glowed about me being available at any time and giving quick responses.

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So he knows how to stick it to you if he’s less than satisfied with his stay. Hmmmmm…


I was thinking the exact same thing…

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If it were me, this would be my response:

Thank you for your interest in rebooking.

My location has not changed since you rated it 1 out of 5.
My prices have actually increased since you rated it a 3 for value.
My hosting approach is the same as it was 2 years ago when you considered it less it than satisfactory, 4 out of 5.

ABNB is a review based business and as such I do my best to ensure that my listing and my guests expectations are in synch. You have given me insight that my listing is not aligned with your expectations. I think it would be in both of our best interests if you would find accommodations elsewhere where you can be totally satisfied. As such I’m declining your request.

But if $ are more important to you, Go Ahead and Make my Day; I look forward to the follow up story.


Beautiful mic drop reply! Unfortunately right now the money is much more important than the reviews. I am again delayed in gaining “regular” full time employment since gaining my Executive MBA from Duke (second masters, first was Ivy League), due to just learning if my boyfriend’s stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis…I, too will be interested to look back on the follow up to this story.


Update: guest canceled at 4 am with no explanation and a full refund. He had booked 6 days before check-in and I have moderate check-in. Just as well!


sleep apnea reoccurrence.



This is the best resolution you could’ve asked for. All the money, none of the bad reviews!

I’m sorry to hear about your BF’s cancer. My family has been touched by that one, too.


Actually, as I said, he got a full refund. So this is he second best resolution for me.

Thank you and if you are willing to share privately I would be very appreciative. This one is a totally new one on me.

Yes, I had this happen to me TWICE - 4 star reviews but then soon after they have the audacity to ask to stay again. I always say no - I’m aiming for Super-host status and I don’t want bad reviews


I saw you also started a new thread on this same topic but perhaps since you are new to the forum you didn’t realize that we generally try to avoid that and keep the threads intact (unless there is some other compelling reason to start a new one). Welcome to the forum.

Darling, do you like to sleep with nightmares? I would tell the guest to take his elsewhere.

Duke “ain’t shabby!” Good for you on your accomplishment. I hate to hear about your BF pancreatic cancer diagnosis. I hope things go as well for him as possible.


Ah, I missed this the first time. I add my positive thoughts as well.

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Hmm, 4 is hardly a damning reviewing from someone who admits they were unaware of the Air standards. And he displays rare insight into his own behaviour. I had someone rebook after giving me a 4 star review. They liked my place and I liked their money.


Definitely! Thanx. Thank you again. I hope so too. He won’t even let me take him to his radiation appointments because he says he still needs to be a man. He is one of the original Horse Soldiers of 9/11 and it just breaks my heart that he thinks this way and is in so much pain. He still has rods in his back from when one of the horses there broke his back and as a medic he just shot him self with morphine, continued the mission and didn’t get medevaced for a month. No way I can convince him he is no less a man if I drive him there and back every weekday. :disappointed_relieved:

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Thanx. I really appreciate it.

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That is exactly what my mom said when I told her but the other 4, 3 and 1 don’t really make sense. Regardless the 1* location has not changed one bit! And as mentioned above, my price has increased in the last 18 months so his 4* view of value is probably going to only go down.

In any case I am fine with the cancellation as I will be much easier able to swap out refrigerators this weekend. The one in there doesn’t close completely by itself and even with a label reminder and my personal mention in the check-in, people still leave it open all the time. The worst is when it is summer and at check out and the A/C turns off. Conditions the air with a fridge sucks!!!

BTW, I had two other previous bookings for the same time since that also got canceled so I actually get to keep quite a bit of that. It turns out it equals more $ than this guy’s booking anyways! Stupid people refuse to pay for the extra guests at $20/person/night because they book only for themselves, and then they lose money in the cancelation…go figure.