"Photo tour" deleting semi obsolete photos and how many

General questions:
Does your listing have an Air organized “photo tour”? Did you put multiple photos into each “room” before doing that? What happened after you joined photo tour? Could you still move photos around? How? By groups? Is there an outside spaces group? Can you delete or edit the photos in “Photo tour”
our listing

Should I delete all photos that show something that has changed in any way? Some of our finest pro photos are looking like they are outdated, the textiles mostly. Probably its only me who notices… For example the bed does not have its French vintage bark cloth coverlet since Covid textile removals. Areas have been updated and upgraded, and there is upgraded furniture, new rugs, nicer textiles and decor changed or moved around outside. We do have winter and summer dress, so that can explain some of the changes in look which happen semi annually. I only ask because I’m such a crappy photographer.

We have 70 photos. At this point I can’t do a thing with them so its a moot point, nor do I see where it is possible to add them…Help!!! thanks!!!

If you go over to the Airbnb Community Center forum, I just saw info on their “2024 summer release”. As hosts have been screaming about how the Photo Tour algorithm has reordered their photos horribly and they can’t seem to reorder them sensibly, supposedly they are now making it possible. I didn’t read the details, so you’ll have to go check it out yourself.


As far as removing obsolete photos, I don’t think you need to remove a photo just because there’s a different bed cover. After all, many hosts have different bedding and such that they swap out seasonally or at changeovers. I have 2 completely different duvet covers, for instance, so one or the other is on the bed while the other is in the wash. Some guests might get the rust-colored towels, the next guest the sage green ones, the next the yellow ones.

But if you have upgraded some areas so they look quite a bit better or different now (I know what you mean about you probably being the only one who’d notice, though. Most people aren’t really all that observant) , I think it’s a good idea to replace older, no-longer representative photos.

As far as you being a poor photographer, I took all my photos myself and I’m not that great a photographer either. You’re very artistic, so I would find it hard to believe that you wouldn’t have a good sense of composition. As long as you have that, lighting and tone, etc. can be corrected.

The trick I found is to take quite a few photos of the same thing, changing the angle, or the distance slightly for each. Then pick the one that looks best. I then played with the photos in my photo editor, making them darker or lighter, warmer or cooler, playing a bit with the color tone and contrast, etc. I didn’t change them in any way that would be a misrepresentation of the space, in fact, some that looked a bit washed out I was able to get to where they looked more like it does in real life- just fine-tuned them so they were nice, eye-catching photos.

On my android, I made several changes for each photo, saving all of them, then compared them side by side to choose the best one.

I sure love it that we are in the age of digital photography- in the old days, you would have had to pay a lot to get so many photos developed, and there was no way to edit them.