Performance Stats

Performance shows; “Nights booked”, “booking value” and “5 star rating” for the last “7 days”, “30 days” and “365 days”

I would suggest AirBnB add “available nights” and also allow us to designate our own range. For instance putting a range in from May 1st to May 31st 2023. Or a range for quarters or year.

This would allow us to get a better handle on how each month, quarter and year is doing and plan for the future!

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You should contact Airbnb with this suggestion.

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I did contact AirBnB after posting here. What do other hosts think about this topic?

I’m not sure exactly what your suggestion is but isn’t it something you can do yourself?

I suspect that most hosts do.

I could put a spreadsheet together and take the time to enter the info. But you would think AirBnb could do it and make easier for all of us!

Are you looking at the app? It’s likely limited. I don’t really use it but you can see all of this, including available nights, and put in your own date range on the website under Performance.

Thank you for pointing this out. It’s too bad that the AirBnB App varies from the online version.

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