Percentage calculation of 5 stars review to become superhost

I have just received 10 reviews of which 8 is a five star overall review. Airbnb state that I have 75% 5 star review on the Superhost status page… That is 7.5 guests out of 10. Where did the half guest came from? If I look at the statistics it is stated the I have 78% and 22% 4 star for overall experience.

How does Airbnb calculate the overall score ?

Your maths is flawed. 75% is not 7.5 guests out of ten,it is three quarters of your guests. 8 out of 10 is 80% (You’ve already said you have 78% five stars) so airbnb maths appears broadly correct.

75% is the same as three quarter (3/4). And 75% of 10 people is 7.5 people… Note that I have 10 reviews and 10 guests.

Except you can’t have 5 star reviews from 7.5 people.

That is exactly my point, it should be 80%, but it is Airbnb that is stating that is is 75% on one page and 78% on the other page so they must have a way of calculating it that I don’t understand.

What did they say when you asked them? Probably easier then hosts on here trying to guess :slight_smile:

How do I contact AirBnb ? - I can not find a way to do that?

Try the pinned post at the very top of the list of forum threads/topics.

Ahh ok I understand your point ! Yep definitely call them and let us know what they say !

Doesn’t it say somewhere on that page that statistics can take up to 3 days or so to be displayed? Maybe it’s not yet processed or something.

Per, please believe that I am not saying this to get at you in any way - this is just for the guidance of new or potential hosts who are browsing here. It’s really important to have Airbnb’s phone number ready programmed into your phone.

Let’s say for example that your maximum occupancy is two people and four show up. You need to be able to contact Airbnb immediately to sort the situation out. There are so many instances in which you might need to contact Airbnb in a hurry.

And when you have guests, keep your phone in the pocket of your jeans at all times. :slight_smile:


Responce from AirBnb: The difference of the percentage is related to the updating of the data. The data in your dashboard updates automatically. In some instances it may take a day or two to reflect your most recent trips.