One for Andalucian hosts only

The Junta have instigated a plan to revive (domestic) tourism, essentially giving all residents of Andalucia a 25% cash back on accommodation booked between 1st October and 31st May, up to a value of €300 per booking, redeemable up to three times.

You need to be registered in the Andalusia Segura scheme, here’s the link to do that:

You’ll need your Cl@ve or Digital Signature.

The link to register in the cash back scheme isn’t available yet, but I’ll post it soon as it is.


@Malagachica @bevandian

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Brilliant, thank you so muchxxx

De nada.

How’s things going up in the wild and lawless foothils of the Sierra de Gracia?

Incidentally, the above instructions are from a hosting perspective, as in how get your listing on the cash back scheme.


Not too bad, had a couple of bookings recently. Have one at the moment, but direct from a local estate agent for two Brits over doing the paperwork on a house purchase. Nothing in the foreseeable future though … how about you?

Igualmente :frowning_face:

Got one for this weekend and that’s it till next year. Everything we’ve had has been from Madrid or Barcelona, and with a proportion of Madrid going back into lock down from Friday don’t expect much from that direction for a while.