Older male Guest, puddles of urine around the toilet: How to review?

kathyvermont, I’m using the black light (looks like a flashlight/torch) to find: “Biological stains: saliva, semen, urine and blood.” That lets me pre-treat areas I wouldn’t have ordinarily known were there before bedding and towels go into the washing machine. I can also see if the upholstered furniture or carpets need any cleaning attention as well. There is a lot of info on the web about the issue. I bought mine on Amazon, and I suppose they are all about the same.

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There’s a lot of money in raising “awareness” for things like breast cancer, which could fill it’s own women’s studies course.

For a time, most drug research was done exclusively on men - reportedly Phase 1 drug trials averaged 20% representation of women, not in line with the demographic makeup of the patient populations.

Depending on how cynical you are there are a few takes:
One is that it’s a reasoned reaction to horrors like thalidomide. Since women carry and birth babies, let’s avoid exposing them to the most unproven (and potentially damaging) drugs.

The other is that women’s reproductive system and accompanying array of hormones add extra variables to the drug interaction. Basically “Women are just overly complicated men, so let’s just study men.”

At least in recent years, things are in better balance:


As someone who fits this description, I can tell you that I would like nothing better than to have the pressure and control now that I had even 10 years ago. I and my docs are working to fix this problem as soon as possible. And no, you shouldn’t mention it in a review. I recommend making the area around the commode as washable as possible (my remodels will include full ceramic tile baths). I’ve even thought of installing a urinal in my own bathroom downstairs.

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Just sit down and pee, cheaper than a urinal and even if you were 30 years younger you (we men) still piss all over the place. Use a blacklight a few times and you will be sitting down to pee.



As someone who’s father recently had the same issues, all we did was ask him to sit down when he wanted to go.
Now with a guest that may require soft language. Hope this helps

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What does your husband do when he has to go #2? I think the whole idea of men sitting to pee is a great idea for the most part. If they can sit on a toilet to poop for several minutes, they can definitely sit on a toilet to pee for a few seconds :slight_smile:

Get out the UV light, show the husband the galaxy of little yellow stars that glows on the bathroom walls. Inform him that since he was the creator of the galaxy Urinus, he is responsible for removing it. Suddenly the god creator can see the reasons for being seated upon the throne for all important functions.
Problem Solved!


It’s very inconvenient for him if he has to use a small, round toilet. And very uncomfortable for him. He definitely wishes that everyone had an elongated oval toilet. He’s certainly not the only man with that issue.

For a comparison, imagine that you had to stick your hand (or your elbow or your foot) in the toilet, touching the inside of the bowl, every time you had to pee.

If it’s a small toilet, he basically feels like he has to wash himself very thoroughly at the sink afterward, because the whole thing is disgusting to him. And sinks aren’t always clean.

For those of you saying to sit down, it might not be that simple. For my father, sitting down and getting up again was excruciatingly painful for him in his early 70’s. I even installed grab bars in every bathroom but he still didn’t sit. I finally got him portable urinals like they have in hospitals and that cured the problem, but he never thought of that on his own.

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I think you need to tell him in a private message that he must address his issues re going to the toilet, particularly if he plans to use other Airbnb’s Perhaps he actually needs to see a Dr with urinary problems.
I would not like a guest behaving like this and believe in being up front re such behaviour, couched with polite wording of course.
75 is not old!!

However- I love the joke about changing attitudes to getting old that goes:
“ 60 may be the new 40, but midnight is the new 9pm!!”
So true!!



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