OK, I know I should be used to it by now

I am chilled thanks but please back off a bit won’t ya? Comments about your brain images of me, stool and shower are just creepy. It’s way too personal.

Forgive me @jess1, but I laughed when I read this comment from @barns. I honestly thought he was just trying to bring a little levity–referring to you standing on a little stool as in you stepping on poop. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding? :kissing_heart: Back to shower heads, I have only a rain head shower in my own bathroom, and I hate it. I have to add a handheld, and I’d never be without one in the carriage house, for just the reason that @Malagachica mentioned!


I don’t actually use the rain shower head because I am too much of a girl and don’t want to get my long hair wet lol.

Yes, and I would dock the guest a couple of stars at least :slight_smile:

And a well-deserved docking, too–the nerve of these guests sometimes, sheesh!:smile:

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