Notifications Issue

I went to the site to check on the arrival time of a guest who was to check in today since I got a notification a different guest wanted to book for tomorrow. Turns out the first guest had cancelled yesterday afternoon. No notification of the cancellation at all until after I accepted the new reservation! The first guest had sent an explaination through the Airbnb messages. Guess I need to be checking the app more frequently. Anyone else experience this?

I didn’t really want company on Easter but it would have been nice to know sooner.

I’ve had guests this week, including tonight, but no recent cancellations. However, when looking on the guest side it was off and glitchy. Categories on the top were gone and it seemed to have put incorrect host profiles on listings. It was just odd and when Airbnb glitches out it seems to be across a wide area of the site. So maybe it is temporary. My other message notifications this week have been timely.

Makes me wonder if that’s why I’m still waiting (not so patiently) for my guest who’s now 5 hr late w/ no communication… I hate this part!

Have you tried calling or texting the guest?

Yep, on platform & off (text), crickets… Leaving a note on the door “Your suite is straight up the stairs. You should find everything you should need. Welcome to the schoolhouse!

I hadn’t gone into my account for a few days, because my next booking is still 12 days away. I just went into it because I have to write a review for a guest who left 3 days ago.

I found a message sitting there from a guest who is booked for May 1st that she sent 3 days ago. I never got any notification of this message, not by SMS, which I normally do, or email.

Luckily the message wasn’t anything urgent, just letting me know that she’ll be checking out a day early. (Nice- she was just being a good communicator- said she didn’t try to do a date alteration or expect a refund, as she was aware I have a 3 night miminum)

Anyway, it seems that Airbnb has a message notification glitch, so I’ll be having to check my account daily, if not a couple times a day, to make there aren’t booking requests there with no notification.

All my notifications are timely on the app/email and website.

I sent CS a message yesterday about it, no reply as yet. Could just be an occasional glitch on some accounts. But a few years ago, I stopped getting notifications altogether. Took a month after reporting it to start getting them again.

More confirmation that there is a notification glitch- the upcoming guest who had messaged me for which I got no notification, when I answered her and also apologized for not answering her message for 3 days, as I had gotten no notification of it, said she is also a host and the same thing is happening to her.

I am getting notifications via email, but not SMS, as I usually do.

Anyway, heads up to other hosts to be aware of this glitch and check your account regularly to make sure you aren’t missing something, if like me, you aren’t in the habit of checking daily, but only when you have a message or booking notification, or need to change settings or prices, etc.

Just got a notification via phone 20 minutes after the guest sent it, then about a half hour later the email came in. Progress!

I’m still not getting any SMS notifications, but emails notifications are coming through . It’s a drag, because I’m not in the habit of checking my email more than once a day. But when I get an SMS alert, I go to my Airbnb acct. ASAP and answer the message or request.
Also my internet occasionally goes out, so then I can’t access email.

How to get an SMS alert from Airbnb? Since Airbnb changed the alert sound, I barely can hear it. I have tried everything on my end, searching YouTube, googling but nothing worked. I called Airbnb and was told that they don’t do SMS only notification on their APP. Thanks, Muddy!

SMS is listed in your account settings as one of the ways you can choose to get notifications. Sounds like the CS rep you talked to is clueless (as usual), unless they are phasing it out with no warning or notification.

Yea, I tried all the account settings and turned all notifications on Email, Push, and SMS, but never received any SMS. So I called Airbnb CS, and they told me the SMS means Airbnb APP messages, and that Airbnb doesn’t send text messages to our phones.

Another clueless CS Rep. I got a message this morning, via text, that I had a reservation request…just like I used to get but didn’t for a period of time.

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As I said, the CS rep is wrong. SMS messages are absolutely not the same as push notifications on the app. I have never even used the Airbnb phone app and have been getting SMS alerts since I started hosting in 2016.

It’s astounding that CS reps actually get paid to give out erroneous information.

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Ahhh… I am going to call Airbnb support again to have the SMS turned on.

This is a setting in YOUR account:
account settings/notifications/account

If you have it checked in your settings, it is “turned on”. What is happening is that it is glitching out (mine still not working, reported 4 days ago).
What you have to do, Amy, is tell them you are reporting an issue with not receiving SMS messages. The more of us who report it, the better.

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While my SMS notification issue persists (not getting any at all), at least Airbnb CS has told me that many hosts have reported this issue and the techies are working on it.