Not sure guest inquiry is from an English speaker - does the site automatically translate?

Sorry if this is a duplicate post…I tried to post and somehow lost the screen.

We received an inquiry about booking one night (this Thursday) and there was a notice I don’t remember seeing in other guest communications. It says “Translate this conversation to English powered by Google.”

The inquiry was in English - does that mean the guest requested the translation? We are not a bilingual household. Should I mention that in my response? That seems awkward and I don’t want to assume he doesn’t speak English. He has just joined Air and doesn’t have any reviews or other information that would clue me in.

Just answer in English and don’t fuss about it. If you’re in an English speaking country, guests shouldn’t expect that you speak their language. Who knows what they speak? It could be as easy as Spanish, or as difficult as Swahili.
There’s always sign-language and google translate. Don’t worry.

I have a listing in Switzerland and get enquiries in several languages. My native language is English so when I have a conversation with guests whose native language setting is English, the google translate option does not come up. But the option to translate always comes up when someone who does not have English set as their first language. So even if we are speaking English to English, French to French etc - the option comes up.
As far as I can see, it does not translate guest messages into English , so I think you can safely assume the guest speaks English.

Thanks for the replies! I went ahead with the Preapproval, not mentioning the language question, thinking that if he doesn’t speak English it will be another adventure! Haven’t heard back yet.

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