No one can find my listing help!

Hi I am a new host on Airbnb. I made a listing of my property on the Airbnb app on my phone which it appears when I try and search for it. When friends try and search for it using the Airbnb website they cannot find it??? Help!! Any ideas??

this has happened to me.

Search parameters were my problem. They have to include dates that are not already booked or blocked out. They have to include dates that meet your min and max requirements. My minimum is a month, so anyone searching for a two week stay won’t see it. I have to make my test searches far into the future because it’s booked a few months out, and it won’t show up unless the place is available for the time searched on.

Try logging out (or using a different browser) and then searching without dates. Zoom into the area your property is located. If you don’t see it then, contact support.

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Thanks I have found it ok now with a little tweaking