New Tablet for AirBnB Hosts

Hi Guys
We have just launched a new tablet that we think AirBnB guests will love. We think it will make hosting a lot more fun and definitely help hosts improve their review scores and their visibility on AirBnB.
Is there any way you can help us put in front of AirBnB hosts?

Actually guests cant buy the tablet – the host has to buy / rent it.
Its designed to replace your traditional info binder – link here:

What I actually need to know is if there are forums online where I could potentially advertise this?


sorry, rajesh - you are not helping yourself to much. We keep telling you - we are hosts - we are a host forum - sell to us.

But I did click on the link - one suggestion is to change the word - ‘your’. What you want, I think, is ‘you’re’, meaning, you are welcome. ‘your welcome’ shows possession. I think you mean to say ‘you are welcome’ as a way of greeting. ‘yourwelcome’ is fine for the website but then it should say ‘you’re welcome’.

Also, ‘better monetize your home’ is not an English phrase I’m familiar with. I think you mean to say ‘improve your profits’ or something.

But the opening page is cool - the colors, the video - it looks promising.

Take it or leave it - it’s just a suggestion.

Hey Nancy,

Keen to know what you think of our updated website - things have moved on a little since then. :slight_smile:
