New place, same listing?

One of my listings is a full apartment rental in a highrise condo building. Long story short, I am “moving out” of the place at the end of August, and “moving in” to a different unit in the same building complex (technically a different street address). I have over 200 reviews at the existing place and would hate to lose that track record. Would Airbnb or guests frown on me re purposing the existing listing for the new place?

Will the new condo be significantly different?
If not, I would keep the existing listing.
Update your photos and if possible the condo number.


Not really, it’s a slightly larger unit, 2 bedrooms instead of one, and on a lower floor (but same view) but otherwise everything is identical. The only problem I foresee is that I will have to call Airbnb to change the address.

New listing sounds different. Can’t you just list the new one on your same host profile, block out dates on old one and any guests will see reviews for both?

The reviews you have are of you as a host and they follow you to new listings. Like in Barns moved from London to Brighton and took his with him to his new listing. In a suitcase.

They stay with your profile, but not the listing itself. If you create a new listing it shows up as “New” with no reviews and guests have to look up your old reviews manually. It’s not great.

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Or …start the new listing, update the old one with photos, link the calenders - then if a guest books the old one, steer them to the new one with a change request until you have enough reviews.

A bit more explaining, but should work in your situation.

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If the furniture and decoration were largely the same, i.e., no really major changes save “improvements”, I would try to keep the old one with new photos. But since you will have an extra bedroom, I would probably create a new listing.

I would say to call air re: the change in address and see what they say but that will likely go nowhere. Funny, though, since you could just change your listing to add a bedroom on a whim with no interference whatsoever…