New outdoor camera

Just yesterday I put up an outdoor camera. Even before the recent dog incident, I often have people using the back door (driveway extends behind the home).
I updated my listing, but was wondering if I should reach out to guests who are already booked and let them know? I can’t imagine it would bother anyone, but then again I’m the type to use the front door :smirk:

I’d contact the guests that booked before you put up the camera and let them know you did that, and tell them they can cancel for a full refund if they aren’t OK with it.

This is to protect you. If they notice the camera is there but wasn’t disclosed when they booked, they can report you to AirBnB, get their money back AND have you shut down. Most people would not, but it’s a risk you’d take if don’t tell them before they arrive.


“ we are improving your security at the Airbnb by adding an additional camera for your protection. Here’s a picture. See you soon.”


I would NOT say that. Someone just posted in a travel forum for our area that they were robbed while they slept at the “AirBnB” they rented. They were mad at the owner for having security cameras that weren’t working (of course, cameras don’t stop crime, just deter it and help identify the perpetrator) and posted the listing for all to see.

I’d love to have AirBnB identify cameras as surveillance cameras instead of the prominent “Security cameras on property” as not all cameras are linked to a security company.


I don’t have a camera, but if I installed one and had upcoming bookings I would certainly notify the guests, as Airbnb-required notice of security cameras.

“FYI we have recently installed an external security camera, upon recommendation of the property insurance company, that covers the back door area.”


It is imperative that you notify in writing every guest that is booked in the future and get them to confirm via message that they agree along with the current guests. In fact, I probably would take the camera down for this guest. Then put it in your listing and I also put it in my photos and identify where the camera’s are. Airbnb will shut you down so quickly if a guest complains and your cameras are not disclosed. This is not something to mess around with.


Thank you. I did notify the first upcoming guest. (I have some gusts booked into March as of now)
I like the idea of getting a confirming message back from them. I am working on messaging each guest directly and will update my photos to show the area it covers. Thanks

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You definitely need to inform guests who have already booked and give them the opportunity to cancel if they want. Depending on the situation and what the camera covers I would likely cancel as security cameras and privacy are something that often keep me from booking a listing. I wouldn’t be amused if a camera was added later and I didn’t have the option to cancel.



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I only have out door cameras and I use them for many things as I manage my property remotely. I can see if the gardener has been by contact the plow guy or advise guests if a bear is frequenting the property. And it allows me to know when guests have departed so I can adjust heating, cooling, hot water all of which cost a lot.

Plus my housekeepers don’t want to drive the 30 minutes to only find the guest still there. So I get a notice when they lock up and I can verify that they have gone. Cameras as integral to the whole smart home operation!


I don’t personally think its imperative to get them to confirm receipt and agreement. I do think it should / must be prominently listed under safety, which is of course a requirement of Airbnb.

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I disagree. These are people who booked the place prior to put up the camera and disclosing them. Read through some old posts. Airbnb will shut down the host for cameras unless previously disclosed and not get back in touch with the guest for weeks. With Airbnb always get things in writing to document.


Oh I’m sorry, I missed that your point was specific to when a camera hadn’t been previously disclosed. Need more coffee.