New appartment listing

Hello all,

I have recently purchased a second apartment and I would like to know if its best to host it under my other apartment account, or if I should create a new account to host it under.

Airbnb says you should one have one profile.

Just add your new listing onto your existing profile and then people can see you are an established host with (presumably) great reviews.

Make sure that it is legal for you to sub-let your second apartment.
Then list it under your existing profile.

When @tumasgts is the owner of the second apartment, why would it be a case of ‘subletting’?

@Astaire poses an interesting question. How is the OP defining apartment? Spelling is mine. Is it a condo or other kind of community with an HOA? Where is it located? There is a one host one home policy in some places and it is a growing policy.

You never really own an apartment; it’s part of someone else’s building. All you really own are the contents of a certain specific amount of cubic space. If the building owners decide to knock the building down, or even just tell you you can’t let others stay there for money, then you’re screwed, whether you want to quibble over my use of the term sub-let or not.


Because in certain countries local government and HOA’s have strict rules around this regardless of whether you own a lease.

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