New Airbnb related legislation passed in Boston

If anyone is interested, here is the link

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Well it looks like they have taken quite a sensible approach to regulation.

The part that bothers me, and Airbnb opposed also, is requiring Airbnb hosts to alert their neighbors that they are renting rooms. While I don’t think that would be an issue for me personally, I can see it causing lots of tension among neighbors especially if they already don’t get along.

Especially as some neighbours will take that as a sign they are seeking permission rather than just informing them as per regulations.

But if you don’t alert your neighbors, they might call the police if they see strangers “lurking” around. We’ve all heard how that can end badly.

Funny. I had a cranky neighbor inform me that when she bought her place, she never thought she would be living next to Motel 6. All of my guests have been nicer, more considerate people than the previous long term tenants.