Need tips for 3 week stay guests

In a few days I will have my first longer term guests. 21 days. Paying full price, didn’t even ask for a discount :slight_smile: Mother about my age, college age son, from Peru (but has lived in US before). Coming to prepare for his entrance into the college that’s 1 mile away. They’ll have a rental car (thank God). They’re sharing my master bedroom (same bed…yes, I know). Oh and to add an additional stressor, I am moving and thus, my house is in packing mode. Thought I have it under control, it’s just more work. This will likely be my last guest because I won’t be hosting in my new state (renting). But I do believe I will live to host again!

What steps can I take from the beginning to make this work for everyone? Any tips are greatly appreciated from those who have hosted long term guests.

Thanks good people!

They are staying in your home with you, right?

One little think I’ve learned is to put a laundry basket in their space so as they are done with towels, etc., they can put them in the basket and you can wash them at your leisure. (assuming they have plenty of towels). Provide a clean set of sheets for them to change themselves. Instruct them to put the dirty sheets in the basket also.

And of course - make sure they have plenty of room in the fridge.

Another idea that may serve you all is to schedule a meeting on their third day - not a ‘meeting’ but a chance to have a coffee or something, so you can discuss how it’s going. Then you have a forum in which to say in a friendly way if something they are doing is difficult for you.

This has worked for me at my price - I don’t charge 4 Seasons rates and don’t provide that kind of service.

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I love the idea of a ‘meeting’. Thanks for a great tip :slightly_smiling:

When we have guests who are staying for more than 8 days, I schedule a time with them when I can go in when they are out (this is a separate apartment) and change the bed and give them fresh towels - free. If they are staying for three weeks, I offer this weekly.

The reason isn’t me just being ‘nice’ - it’s an opportunity for me to go into the apartment and make sure they are keeping it in good shape. If there are dishes to do, or the bathroom needs a quick clean, I do that too to give the guests a hint that I expect the place to be looked after. Guests love it and it gives me peace of mind. It also means less cleaning when they leave. Purely selfish!

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I insisted that we have a walk through weekly to determine if the house needed a cleaning and if it did that it was to be allowed by a cleaning lady I hire for that purpose. I also made sure that they could contact me if they needed anything or for any problems that arose.

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We have had a few long term stays, we rent our entire house(s), and we always ‘force’ a weekly cleaning on the guest to make sure everything is in order, damage-wise, but to also keep the house clean! We have one long term guest that had a kid and the kid put stickers EVERYWHERE and all my sofa throw pillows on the patio furniture. I almost lost my mind.

Thanks everyone, they are staying in my townhome with me. The nice thing about South Americans is they shop a lot, and spend time with friends and family. So hoping that means they will be out often. I will ask them upon their arrival about their cooking needs, laundry needs etc. I will also instruct my cleaning ritual - I will change their sheets, clean bath once a week etc. I dont mind cus I too want my house in good shape to hand over at the end of the month to my tenant to whom I am renting upon my relocation. I may even create a written manual with trash pick up info, what to do if UPS knocks on the door etc.

Keep the ideas coming! :blush:

Oh, goodness - South Americans - lovely. I’ve had a number from Brazil (kiss,kiss) and a group from Colombia. All incredibly warm and lovely people.
