Nationality of my partner can be serious problem for some guests

@polenta I’ve removed your post as I think you’ve completely mis-read what was posted.

There is a difference between personal concerns and prejudices.

I have personal concerns – my mixed ethnicity (50/50) and the prejudices of others to one of them.

I happen to “pass” and have learned since my early years from the comments and reactions of others that it is wiser not to reveal or identify my ethnic minority if I want to “blend” in. I do not want to embarrass the speaker who makes a disparaging comment or make others uncomfortable if they respond or express a similar outlook, so I say nothing.

I admit it is especially hurtful to learn unexpectedly that many of my friends are similarly prejudiced. It usually happens when they have made a comment or mimicked the cultural accent or speech of my ethnicity. Of course, they have no clue they are targeting me, and they would be mortified if I said so. I wouldn’t dream of hurting them and besides, I’m used to it but it does make me sad and disappointed.

So I tell no one. It’s my secret. … :sleepy:

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Your partner must be Israeli. Like me :slight_smile:

Nope, unfortunately there are many other nations in similar situation, although Israelis are the best known to the general public.

I think you are stuck in some kind of exaggerated adopted victim role here.
In my experience guests do not care at all.

I have hosted Arabs and Israeli, at the same time. They all get along without any issues, greet each other, and even have conversations about the kids and weather.

My region hosts over a million Arabs every year, and during summer there are a few thousand orthodox Jews in the same area, using the same facilities and even dining in the same restaurants. And no incidents or whatever.

What happens on a country/political level, and is portrayed in the media, is often far different than what is going on in peoples every day lives.

I just hope your home star system is doing better than the one here is. And that they don’t have Star Wars.

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Has anything changed since you posted this, I’m wondering if you’ve had a chance to think again?

I’m still waiting for some legitimate booking. So far, all of the requests were asking for paying off the platform, most asking for discounts and/or longer stays than our max nights. Some also asking for whole apartment (we are renting room) and bringing more guests than maximum.
When I get booking which meets our requirements, just like all other guests, I will be happy to host them.

It would be unrealistic to assume prejudice does not exist. One of myself guests was devastated as a result of a horrible ordeal.

But I for one have not been to Israel, and would be interested to learn more about it. Half the fun is in the learning.