Nashville passing regulations for Airbnb rentals

The Metro Council voted 30-2 to approve Nashville’s first set of regulations aimed at the popular home-renting online service Airbnb.

The approved ordinance, sponsored by Councilwoman Burkley Allen, creates a new classification called “short-term rental properties.”

The New regulations passed Tuesday include requiring operators of short-term rental properties to receive an annual permit with the Metro Codes department. The law also allows no more than four sleeping rooms at a time; regulates signage, noise, recreational vehicle parking and food service; limits stays of guests to 30 days and the number of guests to twice the number of sleeping rooms; and requires that principal owners be at least 21 years old.

Nashville led the nation in year-over-year growth in 2014 for summer bookings on Airbnb.

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Thanks for sharing, its still far from what airbnb is, but its a good move :slight_smile:

Ugh. Seriously, how do these regulations help anybody (except maybe the hotels)?

Why four sleeping rooms? And guests limited to twice the number of sleeping rooms? I’m sure it’s under the guise of “safety,” but people in large groups of 8 or more will effectively be “forced” to either use a hotel or split up amongst different Airbnb rentals.

I’m sure signage, noise, and recreational vehicle parking were all regulated anyway. Why rehash to specifically target Airbnb hosts? What’s the difference between them and non-short-term rental property guests making too much noise?

How in the world is the law going to regulate “food service”? Have to run it by the government before you order Papa John’s?

What happens if the stay is over 30 days? Airbnb does give hosts the ability to offer special pricing for monthly rentals. It’s not unheard of.

I was just gettingg ready to set up a room as AirBnb when I heard this news. Does anyone have any idea HOW MUCH the permit will cost. I am guessing you go to the same codes dept as you do when you renovate. (shiver) When does this take effect ? Do you need a permit for every property? Or just one per host? Will they inspect the property before permit is given? Will they inspect annually? Will the have room size regulations? How will they police this? Will airbnb be required to ask for your permit before they allow you to be a member? Or is it just the responsibility of the host to know they need it and get it before they get caught with out it. Oh SO MANY QUESTIONS. The first one is my biggest concern. HOW FAR ARE THEY REACHING IN MY POCKET?
You know I am already paying pretty high property taxes, so it seems fair that I should be able to make some of it back for being a wise investor.