My own booking website.. your feedback appreciated

Dear Hosts,

Since I started hosting on AirBnb I always wanted to diversify the way I promote my space so I decided to build my own website with a booking interface so I can cut the middle men. I am in no way an expert in web design and this is a learning experience for me. Bearing in mind this is not yet the finished site I would like your feedback regarding what I have come up with so far:


Your website looks amazing, clear and easy to use. My only concern is you put the reviews from Airbnb, is that going to be a problem if someone reports?

I love it, clean and concise. I would add some bullet points to break up your paragraphs!

Hi Andre,
Perhaps I’m just a grumpy old bugger but I would not book direct with you at the moment, although I do congratulate you on putting together a nice website.
Advertising for direct bookings with your own website puts you and the guest in a different position than on ABB. You are now saying LOOK I’m a professional in the business of providing holiday accommodation in Malta.
Your contact phone number, e-mail address and a business address should be available on the website.
Make a Facebook page and link it to the website. Lots and lots more photo’s required, put some prices on even if its only from x pounds to y pounds,
As Malta is in the EU your contact details and e-mail address can be displayed on your ABB listing to generate a few direct bookings. Its in “Account” and then "settings"
I spend November in Malta and absolutely love it.

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Thank you all for your feedback so far!

I definitely agree I should add more photos, this is just a test that you are seeing at the moment.
The price is readily available when someone enters the check in and check out date in the “Check Availability” Section. I am going to add house rules and cancellation policies as well. Regarding payment I am going to add payment through papal.
As regards to address and telephone number I will think about adding these in the contact section.I didn’t know about the Account Settings section on AirBnb for adding contact details, thanks for this info.
Regarding listing reviews from AirBnb I am not sure if this is legitimate or not to be honest. One way to go around this could be to ask guests who book through the website to write me a review via email or perhaps leave a review on TripAdvisor and then link to TripAdvisor on the website.

Should I add a link to my AirBnb listing? Maybe some people feel more comfortable to book through AirBnb.

I have links saying to check my listings and prices on ABB and HolidayLettings and then let them know direct bookings are commission free.
This way they see your reviews and have the cheaper option of booking direct.

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Being able to control your reviews is a major plus, as is being able to discount for direct bookings.

Do you have a database of prior guests who you can contact.

Just wondering what template you used?

Hello @travellinbug

You wouldn’t be able to enforce ‘house rules’ for direct bookings.

If you are taking direct bookings, do make sure your cancellation policies form part of any contract you sign with your clients and that you get some professional legal help on drawing up your contract.

Best of luck,.

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I actually think it might be possible to enforce the “house rules” MORE with your own direct bookings. Since AirBNB bookings are adjudicated by AirBNB, which, as we have all seen, leads to a pro-guest slant. With a direct booking, you can actually be holding a deposit that can cover any damages, late check out fees, etc.


Good point @anon67190644 I just wasn’t sure whether house rules would be legally enforceable if on a website rather than in a contract with the guest/host.

@Helsi. I think any host who is doing direct booking would require a separate contract to be signed, either via DocuSign or by a mailed pdf. But you are right. That was a huge assumption.

Apart from the simple fact of booking (and therefor indirectly maybe agreeing to houserules) I have never ever signed a contract when staying in a hotel. But I’m pretty sure that I would have been kicked out, when not respecting the “house rules”…
So, I don’t really see your point…

You don’t sign a contract, when you book, you agree to their terms and conditions.

I’m not sure if this has been pointed out yet but your site doesn’t seem to be fully optimised for viewing on a mobile device. The initial booking screen is fine, however after I put in my dates and click through a lot of the text is cut off

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Thanks for pointing this out, I had no idea of this problem. May I ask what is the model of the device you are using?

iPhone SE, safari browser

I just tried again now and it is letting me scroll across to see the rest of the page, however it wouldn’t before. It might still be better to have the whole page to fit. This is what I see

Also ‘suppliment’ is spelt ‘supplement’ (sorry not trying to be picky, just thought you’d want to know!)