More Red Awning listings & on VRBO with a property manager?

I checked out the other Red Awning threads in this forum. They were in 2016, so I’m starting a new one.

The Airbnb listings in my neighborhood just doubled! The new listings are by Red Awning. I recognized one as being in VRBO, too.

Is this happening in your area too?

In 2016, Red Awning had a large Airbnb presence in my area then disappeared. They are now back with some odd business practices.


Same listing:
First is Red Awning on Airbnb
2nd is from a local property manager on VRBO

A neighbor told me that others in this neighborhood have been approached an agency promising a guaranteed monthly income if the owner gives them carte blanc rental & management of the property. This differs from the usual agency model of the agency renting & the owner receives a percentage of the revenue. Is that the Red Awning practice?

I’ve never heard of Red Awning, but I know of properties in my rural New York State town that are on the roster of those big management companies like Evolve and I am not impressed.

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I have never heard of Red Awning but certainly common for Property Managers to rent long term and sub let short term.

I’ve never heard of them either but if they are a hospitality company then the chances are high that they are in our area because we are in a tourist destination.

So possibly. Why should it matter? Are the odd business practices having an effect?

@jaquo I’m curious about Red Awning because within two weeks the number of listings in my development doubled. For anyone using the map search function my listing is now mixed in with many with extremely high cleaning fees. I’m waiting to see if the sudden increase in competition hurts my rental rate.

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Red Awning is a pain. I got them kicked out of AirBnB in my area two years ago. They had 400+ listings here.
I’m not sure but I think they automatically take listings from other platforms, publish them and take a commission fee.
As we are a very small host’s community here I found some listings that were published without permission and we complained to AirBnB.
Now they are gone :-).

You can get them down with copyright infringement.


@dirk. Thank you for the information. The listing I recognized from being on Homeaway has a professional property manager. Days are blocked off the manager’s calendar that are not blocked on the Red Awning calendar.

Their behavior feels shady. In this area, charging almost $400 cleaning fees for a 2 BR 2 BA condo is ridiculous. A friend who owns a beautiful canal house (sleeps 16) charges $560 for cleaning & laundry BUT it sleeps 16 people!