Hi Everyone!
We are masters students from Lund University who are doing a study on how technology can be used to build trust in Flat-sharing businesses such as Airbnb. If you have 6 minutes to spare, it would be great if you can participate in our questionnaire
Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ehDWWBP0hGmPbSTjcKYtjIT4d7U-YooXuBuz3dt13XM/viewform
For more details about our thesis:
So far, according to academic papers it seems that both Hosts and Guests require the same kind of information (Profile page, reviews, ratings, personal chat) when it comes to deciding if they should trust one another. However, in our point of view, we are not convinced that being a host entails the same experiences as being a guest on those platforms. Therefore, we created this questionnaire to get your opinion on what made you trust the other person through the website before you hosted your guests. The same goes for guests also, we want to know what made guests trust their future host enough for them to decide to book their flat.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me, I will do my best to ensure you will all get quick replies
Thank you.