Looking for ways to promote my vacation condo

First of all, how was I rude? In no way have I been rude to anyone. That’s just not me!

Second, I didn’t know “clicks” would help in any way so, no, that wasn’t my intention. I didn’t post a link until I was asked to post it.

Third, I wasn’t asking about Evolve. I was asking how I can get people to get to my website.

My original question was, what can I do to get more people looking at my ad? And that doesn’t mean people who are never going to book or have any interest in going to Pigeon Forge.

Please don’t put things into what I am saying/asking that I didn’t. That’s things others have brought up.

Thank you

They have converted some and there are some still interested.

The time I spend is during time set aside. I can’t put in my ad, “only call me at certain hours” especially when I don’t know ahead of time what those hours are. My first guests under Evolve are there now. If they leave a rating, that will then be “my rating” on my ad. But this rating will not show up on all ads. Every rating will show up on my ad on Evolve.

Why would you put in your listing that people can call you at all? As already mentioned by myself and other hosts that’s not how the main listing companies work. They operate online.

How do you think myself and the many millions of hosts who work full time do it. We pick up messages in breaks and respond to them then.

Anyway I agree with others, I would speak to evolve about how to market your listing, as this is part of the service you are paying them for.

You have already been great advice here, the most of important of which is that listing with Evolve is not a good move as it will put guests off from booking, which you continually ignore.

I’m outl


How is it you think I have ignored it? I am reading EVERYTHING and taking it to heart. I just haven’t decided what I am going to do on that. As much as I appreciate the advice on this, it still doesn’t answer my original question. Even if I change as you and a couple of others suggest, my origional question would still be valid.

Other than craigslist and facebook, what are ways to find potential travelers and get them to my ad?

This has already been answered a number of times

a) set up the listing under your own profile
b) invest in advertising and marketing to drive traffic to your listing (I would suggest targeted FB and Google) but it really depends on your target market
c) become a member of the tourist board as already suggested

There is absolutely no point in you investing in marketing until you have your own listing.

I have asked how to do b & c. I have also said that I’m not doing a at this time. I just went with them and I will at least give them this calendar year and see what happens.

Again, I appreciate ALL of the advice I have been given. Some I don’t understand, some I can’t do, a couple of things are just not for me, and some I have already started on.

Keep in mind, each person is different. But I will still look for other ideas and advice. That doesn’t mean I am being rude or something you may think I am doing because you have found others doing something similar.

Thank you

It doesn’t appear so. You continue to talk about how Evolve handles all the phone calls from prospective guests. Other hosts keep telling you that hosts do not generally communicate with guests via phone calls, but through messaging on the platform. Yet you still keep insisting that Evolve is valuable to you because they handle the phone calls.

No, it won’t. It will be Evolve’s rating, not yours. Ratings and reviews stay with the profile of the host, not the listing. You have given the listing to Evolve as the host. So if you get 5 good reviews while using Evolve, and then decide not to use them anymore, but manage your property yourself, you will have to relist the property under a new listing, lose all those reviews and have to start over. And you are already saying that you think you are not getting bookings because you have no ratings yet.
You may be reading what other hosts are trying to tell you, but it doesn’t appear that you are understanding any of it.


How does it not appear so?

I explained why. Are you just trolling or are you really incapable of comprehending what is written?

To help with any confusion, allow me to rephrase my question.

It doesn’t seem that I’m getting enough looks at my condo. I’d like to find a way to direct people to it. I am using Craigslist and I created a group on Facebook for it. Not sure I have done everything I can with Facebook.

My question is, outside of using Facebook and Craigslist, how can I direct more people to my listings? Or even if you have hints for those two sites, that would be good also.

No, you didn’t explain why. Nothing you said had anything to do with what I was asking.

You may as well resign yourself to this reality: when you post on this forum people will tell you what you’re doing wrong, or question why you are doing certain things first. If you are patient you may get answers to your questions. :laughing:

You need to follow up on suggestions you’ve been given. Google how to use Instagram and facebook. Call the tourism bureau and talk to them.

You seem to need a lot of handholding; you want us to teach you how to promote your listing step by step. Too bad Evolve isn’t doing anything for you. Answering calls? What calls? No views, no calls.

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You can market your property in any or all of the ways other hosts have suggested. But if you insist on continuing to use a property management company that has poor reviews for the other properties they list, your marketing will be for naught, because when guests are looking for places to book, they will look at the reviews for all the listings under that profile, not just the reviews for the one specific property they are interested in. That’s something multiple hosts here have tried to get across, but you don’t seem to understand.

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I’m not asking how to use Google or Instagram. Someone else brought that up. I’m asking for other ideas that gets the word out there. I don’t need any “handholding”. I have been a high school teacher for 25 years now.

As I have said several times, that’s not Evolve’s job.

Where is a review on this listing?
evolvevacationrental dot com/437266

I understand perfectly. But the above link is where I direct people to. No ratings. No reviews.


Re tourism bureau and self promotion like auto decals

You can say you aren’t asking for hand holding but multiple members have seen it differently.

I was a teacher for 28 years and find your obtuseness dismaying.


My original question hasn’t changed.

No one ever explained how to join the tourism bureau.

Someone else brought up Instagram. But like I said, I know very little about it.

Always looking for more ideas.

I came here to ask a question. That’s what this forum is for. Sharing ideas. And since I am new to this, I need a few ideas. Not for you to hold my hand nor criticize me when someone else changes the direction of this thread.

No worries. I won’t be offering you any help or comments going forward.

It sounds like that since you can’t criticize me for things I haven’t explained, you had rather not help at all. Makes no sense.

This is an international board.
Every where is different.
Have you CALLED your local tourist bureau?
You have been given lots of suggestions, but NO ONE is going to do it for you.
It is up to YOU to take the ideas and work out what YOU can do.
GOOGLE is your friend!
First and last comment on your issues.