Long term Airbnb bookings 30-days or more anyone done?

Has anyone done a longer term Booking(30-days or more) either as a host(hosing for someone) or as a Guest, and what was it like?

It was great. The first was an older couple who needed to be near the hospital.
She cooked a lot but was compulsively clean. The second was a young person completing a medical requirement at the local hospital. Didnt cook, left the place immaculate. My next is a grad student couple and I expect to see more of them.
My place is a seperate apartment attached to my house, so privacy is not an issue. I find that people coming to town for a while have a job and are getting on with it. Also, twice the people rented for the month or 2 but left early leaving me the extra days to rent out.

Be careful of these as they can confer long term tenant status to the guest, who can then squat and will have to be evicted through a regular court process. We have discussed this topic many times on these boards. There are many approaches. I would never ever consider taking an Air booking longer than 21 days.


I stopped taking long term guests as they begin to act as if they are resentful of the house rules. They just get too comfortable.


Nothing over 29 days for me. It’s not just the squatting thing though. I find that guests who stay here for a week or less truly appreciate the place. When it’s much longer, they start to take the wonderfulness for granted :slightly_smiling:

Plus, shorter stays means more reviews.

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Aside from the possible squatting issue, I would be unable to tolerate guests more than a few days. 4 days is my max and by day 3 I’m usually looking to go get myself a hotel room :slight_smile:

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Are you saying 21 days is a safe maximum? Did you mean airbnb can confer long term status?

This thread is years old.
You need to look at what constitutes a tenancy where you are and stay under that!

This is a very old thread that needs to die. Most US states have landlord-tenant laws that make anyone renting for more than 28 days a tenant, which gives them tenant rights under state law, regardless of what AirBnB says.

Please check other more recent threads in this forum for more discussion, but you should check the landlord laws in your jurisdiction.

And AirBnB is a lousy way to rent for any time longer than a few weeks. If they will be a tenant, you will want a rental agreement that complies with state law.

So please check more links, and check to make sure that a post isn’t a couple of years old before posting a reply.


Your wish is my command, :slight_smile: