Loan Officer in multiple markets

Yes I am looking at multiple locations to invest in my next STR. I was wondering if anyone knows any loan officers in the Kentucky, south and southeastern US that can be pre approved in multiple markets for short term rentals.

You won’t find many investor “hosts” on this forum. Remote str investors are responsible for taking housing off the market for locals who live and work in the areas and are what lead to regulations banning strs.


I agree with @muddy . You might want to try a Facebook page focused on those marketplaces. I assume you understand that some municipalities are now (or might in future) restrict short-term rentals in various ways.

I hope you are and will continue to be one of the ‘good’ Hosts, whose listings are accurate, property is clean, conforms to building codes, is safe and well maintained inside and outside, with exterior cameras and rules/procedures that discourage parties whose noise, garbage and parking issues often disturbs neighbors and gives short-term rentals a bad name here and there.

And give factual, honest reviews. :innocent:

Good luck!

You are much more magnanimous than I am. I would never wish a remote-distance-investor Airbnb host good luck. Not sure whether that makes me a cranky old bastard, but that’s just the way it is.


I agree with the other posters here, we see it the world over. I don’t blame anyone for trying to come up imaginative ways to produce an income but it seems to me that running a remote str is one of the best ways to hollow out a community and just because you “can do something” doesn’t necessarily mean you should. In the UK there’s a growing antipathy towards the effect that “2nd home” owners have on village life but it’s not a new phenomena - I remember in the 70’s /80’s hearing with some bemusement about 2nd homes in rural Wales getting burnt down overnight by nationalists citing the spirit of Owen Glydwr in ridding the land of the English landlord class. That level of militancy has dissipated over the years but now I can sort of appreciate the sentiment, frustration and upset.

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Haha, BTW, apologies to the OP for not addressing your question - a seemingly benign enquiry has touched a nerve…

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This forum is owned by absentee landlord, as JohnF used to call them, investor hosts. Maybe they do hands on management or even cleaning a unit themselves but I doubt it. A look at the lastest pinned post shows that clearly. Active posters here may not be friendly to investor hosts, or helpful, but don’t be surprised if that changes in the future.

Oh, I understand.

I might be too much a believer in the power of capitalism’s profit motive to benefit society more than alternative systems – with capitalism’s necessary conditions though never perfectly achieved but always to be sought however imperfectly (ay, there’s the rub) : free markets, perfect information, externalities priced). All with a social fabric that gives everyone a fair start and an estate tax that enables each generation to get a semblance of a fair start.

So, that’s the theory. Admittedly in the U.S. we’re very far from all those ‘necessary conditions’ as well as a fair start. But IMHO that’s what we should be striving for.

It seems to me that the driver behind ‘excessive’ short-term rentals is mostly the failure of the long-terms rental market. Long-term rental markets are not free – think rent control, onerous tenant rights’ laws; nothing close to perfect information – think undisclosed building, health and sanitary code violations, shoddy work, appliances, utilities; and the externalities are up for grabs in terms of quantifying and chicken-and-the-egg problems (parking, noise, lead pipes/paint, gentrification and the list goes on).

What’s an investor to do in such an imperfect world?

I certainly understand the investor who stays within the laws and the spirits of those laws. I understand too those who feel that these investors take unfair advantage of the fact that we don’t factor in all the externalities’ costs of economic transactions.

IMHO, if we care about home ownership, home-share short-term rentals are a good thing, as well as less restrictive zoning codes (e.g., tiny homes). If we care about the long-term rental market, then less rent control/tenants’ rights/COVID eviction bans and more proactive inspection and compliance with building, sanitary, safety, fire etc. codes are a good thing.

But instead of addressing root problems it is far easier to ban or restrict short-term rentals, and that’s the risk that the OP and its investors face. Meanwhile communities face applying band-aids to festering wounds.

In the end, what we need – what we count on – are the ethical investors who invest and take risks in our imperfect world because that’s what drives, lifts the economy. To the extent that we’re observers our role is to make the playing field a fair one, with the inevitable pluses and minuses of these investments, ones we’re willing to live with, work with in the knowledge that long term, net net, they benefit society, Adam Smith’s invisible hand.

I was a commercial lender in a prior career.

Securing collateral in multiple locations/states is not a problem.

Start with a national bank with a footprint in the areas you are looking. Tell the lender what you are planning. Banks have lending policies. The bank where I worked would not have made the type of loan you are seeking as the “policy” dictated no loans for hosipitality businesses (and several others).


If people are well-off enough to afford a vacation home for themselves (or maybe they inherited it or it’s been in the family for decades), and rent it out short term when they aren’t using it themselves, which is what I would call their vacation home, that’s quite a different situation, as far as I see it, than taking housing off the market purely as an investment and renting it short term rather than long term.

I remember my dad, who grew up on a farm in upstate NY 100 years ago, talking about playing with the “city kids” who came in the summer with their parents, to stay in their (the city folks’) vacation cottages.