Listing not showing up on search results - airbnb tech team not responding!

Hi! How did this resolve? We are having that same issue right now! 8 days ago became super host and Bam! We disappeared from searches! Very frustrated and losing lots of money.

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Help! - my Experience page that I host, won’t load - just getting error message!
I’m Airbnb Experience host of 2 years and recently gave my airbnb experience listing a big push. Was getting good bookings and then 3 weeks ago(!!!) I was contacted by a potential guest who couldn’t ‘book’ my experience. The thumbnail exists on AirBnB but if clicked on this error message comes up

" Something went wrong
Unfortunately, a server error has prevented your request from being completed. Airbnb may be undergoing maintenance or your connection may have timed out. Please refresh the page or try again."

We have been chatting to various Airbnb ‘ambassadors’ every few days for the last 3 weeks. It’s peak season right now and I’m losing bookings and money as this section of my business is listed exclusively through AirBnB.
Am so disappointed, frustrated and at a total loss - any help or advice gratefully received. I provide a mindful Pottery Experience in Kilkenny Ireland.

I don’t really see that there’s anything that our members here can do to help you. However, I might be wrong so check back.

At this site, we always advise that businesses should have more than one string to their bow. If you only advertise on Airbnb you’re definitely missing out.

The only choice you have at the moment is to promote your business yourself.

Hi Jaquo - thanks - I was just wondering if anybody is experiencing the same and had better luck with support. Airbnb tell me I am not the only Experience Host affected but they cant say how many other hosts are having the same problem and wont give an ETA for resolution. I worry that I’ve done something that is causing the error when I recently updated some of the wording on my experience listing but then surely they would contact me to let me know that? or they could see that when they review my issue during contact? I just feel so alone and helpless with this. I joined Airbnb as I was spending far too much time managing the marketing, adverts, bookings, dates, info, emails etc for my workshops/Experience and if I list in multiple places it makes the chance of double bookings more likely. It was working absolutely great especially recently until the page error happened.

You’ll find very few hosts who rely on Airbnb alone. Some use other OTAs and others streamline their marketing through their own websites and their own efforts.

The use of channel managers usually means that double bookings can’t happen or an online calendar or a good old-fashioned diary.

I hope someone will be able to help.

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If you go to the Airbnb Community Center forum and search “Experiences delisted” or something like that, you will find multiple threads on this. (There don’t seem to be many, if any other Experience hosts on this forum)

It seems Airbnb has decided to ditch hundreds of Experience listings, in favor of their Disneyesque “experiences” staying in the homes of famous people.
Many Experience hosts around the world got dishonest messages from Airbnb telling them that their long-time 5* Experiences didn’t meet “Airbnb standards”, destroying their successful businesses.

I suppose it’s little comfort, but you are not alone. Perhaps it is just a glitch that your listing isn’t appearing, but I suspect there is something else going on they are not telling you the truth about.

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