Laundry machines

I need to set up a line on my lanai so I can line dry everything as I love the smell and I’m currently only using a drying rack for things that don’t go in the dryer. Florida summers aren’t conducive to outdoor lines :crying_cat_face:

Same where I live in Mexico. I don’t have a dryer at all, and I’ve found that line drying in the humid summer does work if I get the stuff hung up when it’s sunny out and there is a breeze and get it taken in as soon as it’s dry. If it’s a cloudy day or the air is still, it stays dampish and I have to hang it up inside to finish off.

That’s okay, hosts do certainly have considerations regarding what machines to buy for guest use as well. It was just that those particular questions were aimed at what would be best for the host or cleaner, as that is what the OP was asking about.

I’m curious what you decided to do.

By the way, I just tried out the option of having our bedding – sheets and duvet covers – professionally washed by a service. They charge USD $1.86 per pound. The charge was $79.95.

For us that is not a cost-effective alternative to using our machines to wash and dry the bedding.