Late payout pending more than 24 hours after check-in

Can somebody tell me after how many hours of check-in will I get the payout because my case the check-in was yesterday and the payout status is still pending, Another thing is does the payout happen automatically once the check-in day starts.

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Something’s wrong because my payout has also been delayed. I’m coming up on 48 hours with no payment! The latest ever!

I’ve now got two reservations who are past their 2nd night of being in the house that I have not received payout for. I called airbnb and they said that the first one was “pending” and to give it more time. Now, a second un-paid-out payout. I’m getting REALLY frustrated. I need this money to keep providing services to my guests!!

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I got them to admit there was a system wide glitch the first week of August. I am hoping that money makes it to my checking account before my mortgage check reaches my bank. I finally got my payout


after guest check in!!!

Yes I eventually received payment too… after a follow up with airbnb by phone and email I was similarly told that paypal was doing the same thing to many of us… rather hilariously they suggested I contact paypal to find out from MY end why it wasn’t coming through. There’s nothing to track from our end until the payment connects, though… so… useless.

The payments arrived at 3 am, on the third night of their stay here.

thankfully it has gone back to normal now.

It was NOT Paypal. Paypal is easy to blame. You can look at your transaction history and see exactly when it gets released to Paypal. Have not had a problem with the last payout, so I hope the good luck continues. I think they had a payment glitch on their end and don’t like admitting it.

Seems like it’s first-of-the-month problem, though they were very prompt back in Jan-Feb-Mar. The quality, I might say the desperate quality, of the AirBnB people fobbing you off with implausible excuses suggests that the company is in trouble – HOW they could be in money trouble with the volume they are doing is hard to see, unless there is some serious skullduggery, defalcation, STEALING going on in SF…It all creeps me out, to tell the truth, and I’m wondering what to do about it.

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Btw, my payout comes via ACH, that is, bank transfer, which generally takes less than a day – not Paypal. AirBnB is telling me now to expect payment, for a reservation that began on 1 October, to arrive by 7 October – I think they may be, hmm, THIEVES.

I wonder of they are using our money like a bank would… to invest during the interval between when the guest pays and they have to pay us?

I have a guest coming today and don’t want to have more late payout issues. It’s not fair to provide all the services to the guests and have them take SOOOOOO long to pay us.

They can’t say “Payout about 24 hours after check-in on the first day” and then hold the money and play the float – that’s fraud, fraud of the criminal variety. No, I think they must be in trouble – though how, unless the principals are stealing from the company, is hard to imagine – after all, they have negligible expenses, and they get paid before they have to pay us.

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Sorry to revive an dead thread, but we have a payout that should have been sent yesterday that is in ‘Future Transactions’ and says "pending’. This is odd because we got another notifications that a different payout was sent out yesterday, and like normal hit out account today. Anyone know what ‘pending’ means? Do I have to call CX?

Call customer service. There may be an explanation. I had a payout get hung up a few weeks ago due to “a software error” – whether that’s BS or not, a phone call freed it up promptly.

Called and they said it was a ‘conversion’ error. They immediately released the payment. Still weird if you ask me.