Last Minute Pricing does not work anymore?

Hi, I
I am new here and hope that someone can help me with my issue.
So … I have one listing where I had / have last minute pricing activated.
Until yesterday everything was fine with that.
But when I checked yesterday (AirBnB Web Site), the feature is away! It cannot be adjusted anymore (Early-bird discount is still available). Curiously the last minute pricing is still available with the app on my smartphone.
Smart Pricing is off.
I already asked support, but they could not help me.
(btw. the same problem applies to lenght of stay prices, where I had / have a 14 day discount. now only weekly and monthly stays can be discounted with the website, with smartphone app it still works …)
Many thanks, Angie

Why did Airbnb support say they couldn’t help @Angie sounds like a technical issue?

She said that this was a temporary feature. But as it still works with smartphone app I do not think so.