Just looking for support/if anyone has experienced similar

I stopped using BDC years ago because the bookings were often cancelled. I laugh at their blanket ads on tv ands radio because the reality for hosts is a lot of disappointment. And they don’t care.

Yep, in 10 years I have never had any really bad guests, or scammers. The worst is people not cleaning up after themselves, or taking the rubbish out. Just hoping by mentioning this I haven’t jinxed myself.

via Airbnb? If so, I hope you do report those accounts?

Some trough AirBnB, some direct.

But are there still hosts put there that think reporting guest accounts works?
The guest just opens a new account, there is really no way AirBnB can prevent a guest from booking.

AirBnB even encourages this. AirBnB has adapted their rules so guests with no reviews can instant book. Only guests with a very bad negative review cannot book. (They even let guest with a 3 or 4 star IB).

People that think AirBnB cares about hosts is a naive fool, they only care about money.

The same goes for reporting hosts.
Big property management companies can do what ever they want, they are allowed to list with low rates and then ask a lot of money outside AirBnB (service fees, bedding, taxes etc).
I called with AirBnB about this, and they made clear it was a management decision not to do anything about this.

I have read many times that guests who’ve been kicked off the platform just open new accounts, but how often does this really happen? They would have to submit a different phone number, a different credit card number, and have new devices, as the algorithms would pick up ip addresses. And how would they submit new picture ID that the algorithm wouldn’t pick up?

And while I don’t dispute that Airbnb doesn’t have hosts’ backs, they do, in fact, remove guests from the platform.


How many phonenumbers do you have and your family members? How many creditcards do you have? IP addresses are not linked to devices, MAC address is, but iPhones switch them around. And ID’s? I already have 3 different ones, would be interesting if AirBnB would be able to match them.


They are linked to device, location and server. What I meant was that if you have a smart phone and a laptop or computer (and many people these days, especially younger folks, only use a phone), and one device is the one you access your Airbnb account on, that ip address will be picked up the algorithms and you will get a pop-up saying you are denied access.
If you then use another device, that one won’t be blocked.

good luck, I had the same issue a while back.

Please tell us more about your similar issue, especially the outcome.

Are the hosting in the USA or elsewhere?

I too found out the hard way about Airbnbs non support to the hosts who do all the work. I’ve heard and read stories like this one but thought nothing of it until they did it to me. We will be going to another source soon.