It just gets better and better

So…had a party of 4. They arrived with 6 in 2 vehicles. When I inquired they stated the additional 2 would be staying at a hotel in town. OK. Cut to the next morning. Additional guests and their car were on the property. They stayed over night. I messaged through Airbnb and they texted back that they indeed stayed…because they were too drunk to drive. Yay. I requested additional funds for the guests and told them I’d make them breakfast for 6. Am I nice or what? 10 minutes before I am to deliver breakfast to them I get a text that they’ve left and they loved the stay. They also said they’d approve the reservation alteration when they had better service. I wrote back stating that it would have been nice if they told me as I’ve prepared a breakfast for 6 persons. I also asked that they clear up the additional guest matter immediate. Guest literally wrote back saying she never asked me to do that. Then went on a long winded rant about saving her friends from danger of driving. Entitled little monster. Disengeuous and extraordinarily rude. I am going to report to Airbnb. I did get the additional funds.


And I can bet they never had a reservation for a hotel in town. But of course they knew they could always pull the “had too much to drink and you wouldn’t want them driving would you?”

Does breakfast come with your reservations? Curious what you serve.



(whew!) Your last sentence saved my blood pressure!


Man you have had some godawful guests lately!!!

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Undoubtedly. We serve a traditional Navajo plate. It is a blue corn “porridge.” We also serve fresh fruit plate - watermelon sprinkled with lime and fresh mint from our garden. Or orher fruits. In season apricots and peaches from local orchard. Plus ranch coffee and locally sourced Navajo tea.


For every 100 we have 1 bad. :frowning:

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I’d like to visit you for the breakfast alone! I can bring some homemade beautyberry jelly to share :+1:t2:

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I NEED that corn porridge!

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Yes, of course. It would be interesting to host the hosts that frequent here. It would be fun, informative.


Come get some sometime. :slight_smile:


Oh…and they soaked one of the beds with beer.

Are you sure that was beer?


Used beer :rofl: :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::joy::joy::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl::nauseated_face:


Haven’t had blue corn porridge in a looong time! Does that come with frybread?

Now I’m jonesing for a real Navajo Taco – slices of mutton, salsa verde or slices of green chiles, maybe some tomato and cheese, plated on a hot frybread yummmm!


Would love help with this review. The highlights: Guest books for 4 persons in one of our glamping tents. Greeted warmly on arrival and we check them in personally. Arrived with 6 persons. States the additional 2 are staying in town. Sneaks them back in and proceeds to have a party. Our rules state no alcohol as the Navajo Indian reservation is a dry reservation. It is a requirement we must abide by to operate. Nor do we allow unregistered guests on property. During check in the indicate they will stay for breakfast. Confronted in the morning about additional guests and state they will need to pay additional fees - $25 per additional guest. Given run around that they have service and will get to it in the afternoon. We graciously offered to prepare breakfast for 6 persons. 50 minutes later as we are preparing to bring the breakfast over the guest states that have already left. We answered that it would have been nice to be given notice of this as we have prepared it and ready to deliver. Guest rudely states she did not ask us to make it. Inspected tent to find it trashed, unsecured, and one bed soaked in alcohol which they attempting to mop up with a toilet paper roll, which they left in the trash. Guest has also written to us stating that our messages stating all of this is “borderline harassment.” Who raises these types of children? We’ve opened a case with Air as we want the security deposit for the dry cleaning of the quality wool Pendleton blanket they’ve doused in beer.


I actually think just word it as you state here, only add, "Can’t recommend “POS Guest” (Insert real name here).
Just tell the story and let the facts do the talking.
Sigh, did you get my invite to the BGL? If you wish to share the names and photos of these cretins, you can be assured of privacy and security.

I wish to add this person to the BGL. Cannot find link. Also, just from her surly attitude I know she is going to write a crap lie filled review. It’s a bit sickening really. We try hard. We really do.

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I will invite you again. It is a private link. Look for the notification with the @shashdineecoretreat

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I agree with @konacoconutz your review, although VERY satisfying to write, will probably get removed because you are referencing the resolution center case. Also the ‘Can Not Recommend’ I personally find very helpful when screening potential guests.

Below are the parts I would keep, the rest I would leave out.


Air awarded us the security deposit. :slight_smile: