Is this a strange intro-note by potential guest? Help:)

“Our flight arrives at LAX around 9 am on sun the 20th what is the earliest we can check in and what is the address of the RV”

He is new to air, so am I, and has 2 verifications, and is coming from Minnesota.
I sent him this, did not accept or decline.

Hi k…
Thank you for your interest in our Trailer Zone:) Hopefully the good weather predicted for next weekend will hold for your trip.

How many people are in your party and did you take the time to read most or all of our listing?

Do you know this area at all<><>; what brings you to Chatsworth? We are about 90 minutes from LAX and will be able to let you come earlier, like 11am.

Sorry all the questions, just want to ensure a good fit!!
Cheers, and Thank You

I would have been conditional on this. I usually say “Check in time is 3pm but if the room is ready early I can message you.” I do this as a subtle reminder that I’m in control. His arrival time is not your issue.

Then I would explictly tell him that you can’t/won’t give out the address until 48 hours after his confirmed booking. That’s when Airbnb releases it and that is a prudent policy.

The rest of his message isn’t really atypical but he doesn’t sound like a guest I would be excited to host.


They get the address as soon as their reservation is accepted. It’s in their initial itinerary email from Airbnb. Have you really only had Guests not getting the address fron airbnb until 48 hours before check-in? How are they to plan their travel?

48 hours after confirmed reservation, not 48 hours before check in.

But I think that’s not 100% true. Someone posted about it here but I’ve no time to look it up now. Because of the 48 free cancellation policy people were concerned that someone would get their address and then cancel. This is another of those things that doesn’t really apply to me/worry me so I should have left that out.

Here’s more info, I gotta run.

@gypsy – what that guest wrote is not uncommon for newbie Airbnb Guests. Was this an Inquiry, a Request to Book, or an Instant Book???

Tell guests that the Air message platform will not let you send/receive phone numbers or addresses, and that all that stuff is in the Confirmation Email that he/she got from Air. Always have a fixed check-in time span – ours is 4-6 pm, with no early or late without prior permission. I declined a guy a couple weeks back who told me when he would be at the listing (3 hours later than the end of check-in).

Otherwise, your response email was good. It remains to be seen whether you’ll get any answers to your questions…

Hi All, and thanks so very much for your input. I will always try to follow the advice of the experts here:)
It is a request to book.
If the guy does not write me back, I will accept his booking request and send him my welcome note. I don’t mind giving him some leeway on his arrival day, as it’s better for us to greet him earlier than later. He will be my 3rd guest so we are both newbies.

And I will remind him that Air will ding me and not him if there is a cancellation, so I am happy to host him, and also point out our moderate policy.

Now having a nice back and forth, so all is ok, and booked 3 nights yeah:)