Is there a list of bad guests for hosts to read?

Yes and yes.

He’s not looking to be a better host and neither are any of the other people who want a bad guests lists, in my not humble opinion. My guess is that if someone joins this forum to pitch an idea and look for free advice they are looking for a way to hitch their wagon to Airbnb’s success and develop an app or extension or blog or something to make money. I thought Airbnb Hell already covered that space more than enough.

I’ve hosted about 1000 guests and I know this information for maybe 2% of my guests. Given the chance of a host giving you the information about the bad guest in the first place is low the chances of your database having in any value is getting smaller and smaller.

Keep talking though, it’s getting more and more interesting to me to see how someone with a bad idea tries to rationalize carrying on about it.


Sounds super creepy to me. What else? “I think he’s Mexican, or maybe Guatemalan, has olive skin and dark hair and eyes, wears a shark’s tooth necklace, has an earring in his right ear and shifty-looking eyes?”

And why would I want to spend time cross referencing all the descriptions, when I can just look at John’s reviews and profile and communicate with him to decide whether or not to accept?


It really wouldn’t be libel. It’s never libel if it’s true (and that’s the tricky part). So to prove libel the guest would have to start by proving that the information is false, the burden of proof falls on the guest as the plaintiff, the hosts do not have to prove it’s true (but probably could). And anything presented as opinion would also not be libel. The guest would also have to prove that being on a bad guest list was injurious and that is super slim, probably even considered a frivolous lawsuit. Even then the hosts could claim qualified privilege if needed. I just don’t see it coming together. But, it’s a bad enough idea that it doesn’t even need legal repercussions.

@1NYhost , I am sorry, but I am confident that a blacklist is not very useful and is certainly not tasteful. It’s not only thug or gang-like but it also reeks of fear and that is never a good recipe. I really think the review system and the star ratings provide plenty of information especially along with any communication you strike up with your guest.

And I can’t help but picture a blacklist of 487 guests that were reported for giving a 4-star location rating :joy:

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