Is anyone requesting boosters?

I wish we had a LOL button—because the truth is funny


Thanks. I only see the card virtually.

All your responses have been very informative and appreciated, especially those that are serious about wanting confirmation from guests that they are COVID-free.
I do not have instant booking anymore specifically because I want to confirm that guests are vaxed and boostered and have reviews. I have a separate entrance, yes, but often we encounter each other and chat (with masks, of course). It’s also about the type of person I want to have stay here!
Recently I accepted a guest thinking he had read my requirement about full vaccination but it turns out he has not been boostered and has had COVID twice after vaccination! We messaged back and forth about it, and I decided to require a rapid test from him day of arrival just before check in. He was fine with that, but I want to be more precise in the future. I tried to suggest that there are many places out here that will not allow you inside without the booster, and that it is supposed to strengthen the vaccine’s impact. So… he said he would think about.
These are such crazy times. Regardless of the constant changes in information we get from national or local sources, I think it best to be on the “stricter” side for all concerned.


Thanks for reminding me about that. I thought I had the app but it’s disappeared from my phone!

Pandemic or not, this has always been important to me. Obviously it hits different when it’s a person in your home sharing your space but I’ve continued to take steps to ensure this after I made my listing separated from me. I state that I prefer vaxxed guest and I also have several statements in the listing that make it clear what my values are. I’ve only lost one booking that I know of because of it and I’ve had far more comments in favor than against. On top of that I actually have more bookings than I really want.

Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you think is important.


Sorry to burst your bubble but asking for people to have the vaccine is still helpful. First it protects them and it protects hosts. Getting Omicron does not guarantee you won’t get really sick or almost worse develop “long Covid” which means long term loss of taste, chronic tiredness etc. Sorry but I am really really getting tired of people that oppose vaccination.


Thank you person with intelligence. I am getting so effing sick of the vaccine deniers. Time for them to be denied entrance to hospitals esp ICU unless they have a valid exception which I completely understand.


No need to apologize. Many of us are.


Of course the other important consideration with guests who assure you they are vaxed and express appreciation that the host is as well, is that those are going to be the type of people who are careful when they go out, mask up properly, wash their hands after touching anything in public, would right away get tested if they had any symptoms, and won’t likely bring the virus into your home.


I’m not sure about the reviews :wink: but I know for sure that being vaxxed and boostered does not confirm that anyone is “covid-free”. Case in point, my little state is still/again/maybeforever #1 for covid cases per 100,000 but we’re also #1 for highest vaccination rate. I haven’t gotten my booster yet because I’m afraid to leave the house :joy: Everyone I know who has covid right now (including two in the hospital) are fully vaxxed and boosted.

We are not requiring proof of vaccination because our apartments are separate entire units, though we do require masks in common areas and state a preference for vaccinated guests.

If I were depending on guests being vaccinated and boosted, because of having contact or sharing a space with them, I would be looking at the date of their boosters, not just requiring them. There’s solid evidence that boosters are only effective for about 10 weeks. If I had gotten my booster on schedule in Nov, I might just as well not be boosted at this point, but I could still show you proof of being boosted. It’s not to say that they’re not useful but only to say that it’s important to avoid false confidence. Some people got boosters as early as Sept.


What’s interesting in the UK is that vast majority of our 15,000 people who are currently in hospital with Covid haven’t been vaccinated at all.

This belies the anti-Vaxxer comments that having the vaccine makes no difference .

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All of that is no match against Omicron sadly.


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Research shows that vaccines prevent severe illness and death, but I don’t ask our guests for vaccine proof. As a host, I do my best to ensure that guest actions during a stay don’t have the potential to harm to other guests or me. Our units are self contained, so guests don’t need to interface with anyone else. Also, guests who stay at our places almost all fly in order to do so, and presumably choose to experience local activities when staying (e.g., dining in restaurants, attending events). Both of these things require vaccination in our area.


Right now the consensus is that people are contagious 24-48 hours before becoming symptomatic. Very few asymptomatic people are testing regularly or staying home.

What this should make people do is stay home as much as possible, especially during surges like the current one. Instead people look for ways to continue doing what they want, like traveling. For example ,the idea of rapid testing before a family gathering, or asking guests to get a rapid test, is better than nothing at all but no guarantee. On top of that, there’s the vocal intransigent minority that won’t take any precautions whatsoever who are determined to keep the pandemic going. In the US, this is partly a purposeful effort to hamstring the current administration.

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Anyone else interested in ‘culling the herd’ by encouraging the Pro-Covid / anti-vaxxers to ‘go about their normal life’ and agree with them that ‘masks are a personal choice’? We’ve tried now for so long to sway them with science and logic; maybe the only thing left is to encourage their foolishness so the group gets smaller?

No. My study of that sort of thinking (e.g., genocide of American Indians/American slavery) knows where that leads. Also any ill effect will not be contained to the target group.

I think it will be interesting to see what kinds of collateral damage the pandemic does. Will there be an upending of election results in close contests? Will the federal deficit balloon due to expanded disability payments or will there be an offset from social program recipients shortened life span? What other actuarial effects will there be? Will the worker shortage result in a change in the GOP attitude towards immigration. How will the bigotry of the base be balanced with the economic interests of the power brokers at the top?

But I really hope progressives don’t engage in the kind of moral downward spiral you suggest. It’s fine to be angry, and rightly so. But don’t let the anger destroy you.


First off, they don’t need to be encouraged, they do those foolish things anyway. Secondly, they should have their own hospitals they finance themselves. They could be staffed with the anti-vax doctors and nurses who’ve been fired.

Wanting them all to get seriously ill means you don’t care if they clog up the hospitals so others who need other types of medical care can’t get a bed.
The best we can hope for is that they all get Omicron or some other variant, pull through or not without overtaxing the medical system, and have some sort of natural immunity so they stop spreading it around. If they end up with long Covid, feeling awful for months or years, that I have no sympathy for.

It is. Plenty of people are vaxed, but then think they don’t have to mask or be careful. They feel they’ll only get a mild case, so they slack off on the other precautions. They are out and about doing normal things, instead of staying home unless it’s necessary to go out.

Yes, Omicron is super contagious, but I guarantee you if people were being super vigilant, it wouldn’t be spreading like wildfire.

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Another thing that going on is purposeful covid fraud. There are testing centers, the one making news now is Center for Covid Control sites, that falsified thousands of test results. So thousands of people think they don’t have covid and either use that as an excuse to do what they want or in many cases are forced to return to work although they are symptomatic.


Well actually they do they interact with the local communities your listings are based in.,

For anyone whose moral compass has been undermined by the onslaught of winger BS over the last two years, a suggested reading for recalibration.