Inside camera for pets in common area?

I was just setting up my next listing for a private suite (room in a house listing) in my newest house where I have so far only rented “whole” house and was not there. I have a camera that oversees the dog and cat but see now that Airbnb is not allowing any cameras inside. I certainly understand their preference for no indoor cameras but now to not allow them in my own home where I am renting out a private room and private en-suite bathroom??? Is there any precedent for getting exception and indicating it in the listing?

And what about in the attached garage that is off limits to all guests? Amazon key service allows for packages to be delivered and a camera there. It can also capture any guests that enter the off limits garage with out authorization.

There aren’t any exceptions for cameras in indoor spaces that are the guests’ private space, nor in shared spaces.
As far as I’m aware, you can have one in spaces which are off-limits to guests, like your garage. I guess you could have one in your own bedroom.

I’ve been a homeshare host since 2016, dislike surveillance cameras, have never had them anywhere, and never had any reason to feel I needed them.


No exceptions.
Makes for dangerous situations and no documentation…
I think it was a terrible decision and I’m still angered by it.
I have a property that I rent out by the room and now I have no documentation of what goes on in the common areas.
I feel this leaves me wide open to harassment issues from guests since they share space.

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I’m the same. I once had fake cameras outside the building for a short while until we realised that it was a daft thing to do. :slight_smile:

Another area of life that now uses cameras is the real estate business. Some owners who are leaving the property empty during viewings now use cameras throughout the place. Totally empty properties with nothing to steal.

How has the human race survived for all this time without cameras?

Cameras always bring out the worst in me. The wet-paint and do-not-walk-on-the-grass syndrome, I guess. :rofl:


A strong no. They are not allowed by Airbnb policies.