I'm only getting verified guests bookings even I don´t require it! Might this be affecting my number of bookings?

8 out of 10 from my last guests have completed their verification process though I don´t require it. I believe that Airbnb is forcing the verification process in some listings for some reason. I’m ok with the verification but due to the fact that I’m not getting inquires nor bookings I would prefer to relax everything. With a picture and his credit card payment I’m more than fine.

Furthermore since March all the reservation requests I got were made by verified guests only. If I grab other host´s profile this percent of verified guests drops to just 20% in his last 10 guests and if I move forward and check my next 10 guests on the lis then my percent dros to 30%. I suspect the reason why my bookings drastically decreased is in a big part due to this. If Airbnb is trying to promote the Verifiy ID using a few subset of hosts then I must say this is completly unfair.

What do you think?

I think you can’t book unless you are verified. Older guests might be grandfathered in? I don’t know.

I agree with @konacoconutz, my understanding is that all new guests have to follow the offline verification process, but that older guests with reviews don’t have to do so unless the host requires verification

I tried once with my partner’s profile and Airbnb asks for offline ID verification AFTER the payment, so it’s unlikely to have an influence on your reservations anyway, @Monica .