If your guests smells how to be polite and let the person know that the smell bothers you?

I sent her a message. I think it’s easier for her to digest the info and read it carefully. I was away for vacation for 1 week, and when I came back I was absolutely disgusted by the smell of her room. it was solar eclipse time and I thought that I am hyper sensitive and did not want to have drama right at that period while I was unpacking and doing laundry. I assume she was not really taking shower that weekend. Then it kind became a bit better during the weekday. but now again… so, I am in action.

It sounds like sending the message did nothing then @roxioxi , and that you still have to deal with the situation in person, now you are back and the odour is still bad.

What’s your next step. Are you going to ask her to leave? What action are you taking?

I read this as the OP has been on vacation a week and just sent the message. But who knows, there hasn’t been a solar eclipse in months.

Could be @KKC I can’t quite tell from how the tenses are being used .

:)) I was on vacation Jan 11-19. So, after that the story started. I wanted to make sure that I am not overreacting because of the eclipse and my pms. But today I see it’s not my imagination that the guest SMELL BAD and I just sent her a message. She is just a bad looking digital mowgli who lacks emotional intelligence and any civilized social skills. She needs to be educated. I can also feel how she believes she is the smartest and very superior to others… It’s just personal observations.

I am not quite sure what you are trying to say here? @roxioxi

You have been home six days…and what happened since then have your spoken to her? Why the strange name calling of your guest? What did she say in response to your message? Have you heard back from Airbnb? Are you asking them to cancel the booking?

You lost me here. Somehow, you shamed her for her looks and apparently a racial slur. And, what does a ‘solar eclipse’ have to do with anything?

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