I got one of those 25% payouts

All of my April and May bookings have cancelled. I got confusing messages from Airbnb about giving 100% refunds and how to do it. It often defaulted to the Resolution Center, making it look like they were going to deduct the money from my account before getting a payout. The assured me this wouldn’t happen. I still haven’t received any of the 25% payouts they were supposed to start sending in April. Has anyone?

Just checking you know it is 12.5% of the entire booking, or 25% of the 50% of your strict cancellation policy.

Thanks for letting me know. I’ve not received any notification. I feel I better contact them just in case it helps. I’m not holding my breadth.

It won’t help. They have put out a timeline for when eligible hosts will receive payment. It will be a waste of your time to contact CS about it. You’ll just get some rote reply.

The 25% payment is paid to you based on the cancellation option you choose. We had chosen “moderate”. We had about 12 cancellations in total. One guest had cancel a day before her reservation was to start so we received the support payment for that one. All the other guest cancelled weeks before they were due to arrive so none of those fell the rules of moderate so we weren’t entitled to receive the 25%. I also believed like many of us were under the impression we would be getting 25% of the total payout for any booking that was canceled within the dates March 10-April 30. To my surprise after getting that one payment I spoke to an agent who explained that was all we would be receiving and that none of the other cancellations qualified. Very disappointed.

I actually just got a payment for a bunch of cancellation reservations, but it appears that they totally missed the first two. Scheduled for arrival on March 17 and 19, Airbnb actually paid me out as normal but then reversed them at the end of March. I should have been paid 25% of the total since they were booked under strict policy and cancelled at the last minute, but they were not included in the group of payments. Not encouraging…

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Update: those were cases where the bookings were cancelled after the check-in date (the guests never actually checked in) so Airbnb’s system never caught them as being eligible for refunds. I called in and sounds like I should be getting something for those.

However, in the one case where I voluntarily refunded a guy it sounds like I may be out of luck because it was not cancelled under the extenuating circumstances policy.


It’s not actually 25%. it’s 25% of what you would have received. So if the reservation was 1000, and you would have gotten 500, you get 25% of that - that would be $125.

Right, they should just come out and say that it’s one eighth (12.5%) of the full reservation payout.

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But that just wouldn’t look good for their PR spin, now, would it?

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I reached out to airbnb twitter and they said if I didn’t receive anything 2nd week of March then the next batch I will. Im no longer a super host because I had 3 cancellations which is total bullshit. I get taking me off superhost to punish me for 1 quarter but an entire year? What a joke
They said they are distributing payments monthly until program runs out. So no lump sum which is a joke as well… lets see what transpires

I just got a $48.24 payout from 7 eligible cancelled covid 19 bookings. I expected nothing as I have multiple rooms listed in one property?
A case of cold beer on Airbnb
How goods that :joy:


No limit on number of listings for the 25% payout.

It’s the Superhost relief fund that has the limit.


Ah OK that makes sense then.

Ya, we got our payment today. About $550 for a total of about $4400 worth of bookings. Doesn’t cover many expenses for our home but better than nothing I suppose. I got an email last Friday and the money hit our account today.

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You get 25% of the total booking amount if you have a strict cancellation policy and the guest cancels within 7 days of the arrival date. I got a couple like that but questioned another. It turned out the guest cancelled 7 days prior to arrival but they cancelled at 11am local time and my posted check-in time is 3. They’ve got it down to the minute. Here’s an idea: If you still have guests on the calendar who qualify for free cancellation, ask them to wait until 6 days prior to check-in. That way you’ll get the full 25%!

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I got the email today! 25% of a big spring break week cancellation. It says it will be paid in 2 days, in my account under upcoming. I hope so bc my town is closed for rentals at least through 5/31. It’s enough to pay my HOA fee & electric bill for May.


Good point

I’m not sure whether to chastise you or applaud you. If guests still have the option to cancel with a full refund and hosts can also get a larger payout if guests wait until less than 7 days, then Airbnb kinda screwed themselves.

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Air BnB are issuing the payouts in batches- they told me yesterday . Also, does any one know if a State or another agency is giving any relief to homeowners losing out on short term rental revenue?

Woo hoo! I got $21.83 from Airbnb for a May 1 booking. That’s it. I got people wanting full refunds now for July through October! We are so screwed.