I finally did it!

Thank you!!! I really do appreciate everyone’s advice!! There is definitely a limit to the return on investment and I will keep that in mind. It’s true with our LTR’s and true with our STR. As much as I love hosting (so far) and helping people with their trips, i have to remember that this is a business.

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This is a total tangent, but why do you wish you hadn’t bought the coffee machine? Just curious.

I’m not a coffee drinker really. And coffee from pods seems totally unenvironmental.


I would add location to space and privacy.

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You got a nespresso? I used to visit England frequently, especially when I had posh Knightsbridge Ennismore quarters to free load in :laughing: I would bring my friends KONA coffee, and they would say thank you but put it in the cupboard and go back to instant coffee crystals or tea. I got the sense that the English weren’t that keen on making coffee at home, although they did drink Starbux, where the small venti was in the range of 5 pounds… not sure the price today, but that was too shocking for my wallet.

Yes it’s a Nespresso!

We love coffee, but I agree it’s easier to buy bad coffee. Coffee outsells tea even in England.


Yes. Also something that you have or don’t have. And of course your idea of location will be vastly different from a guests perspective.

I live on the river, a ten minute walk away from the most stunning views of London. I’m also one tube stop away from London Bridge. I regularly get 4 stars for location and have got as low as one star before.

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I mean from a guest’s perspective. That said, I should have also said that I wish Airbnb would eliminate location as a review criterion as it is a factor we hosts have no control over. I’m a ten minute stroll from one of the most beautiful beaches in SoCal in an upscale tourist area where the nearest hotel is $500 a night and up. I’m a superhost (for what it’s worth) but still 12% of my reviews give me 4 stars for location; 88% are 5s, thankfully no 3s, 2, or 1s out of 202 reviews. There’s absolutely nothing I can do short of moving to improve my location, and even then, no guarantees!

I constantly get slammed on location. I’m less than a mile from a premier secluded snorkeling bay in Hawaii. Just what more do they want for under a hundred a night? Resorts charge $300 low season and 600-800 high and add a mandatory resort fee of $40 per night for parking and wi fi. Location is a worthless metric and should be eliminated.

I can see why the metric is there… after all I would want a warning if my host was located somewhere shady. Nevertheless the metric has turned into a way to punish hosts for not living on the Main Street, above the best night club in town and two doors away from the shopping district/best restaurants/tourist sights and of course surrounded by peace and quiet.

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This is the location that rarely gets five stars. :laughing:


I know. It’s pretty crazy isn’t it!!


Raise your rates and stress the location’s unique character. Make what some people thing is a negative into a positive. I prefer to stay in quaint, uncrowded places of natural beauty vs a busy report.

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I don’t get this!

I was born and brought up in the UK and we used to buy fresh coffee beans (Taylor’s of Harrogate, often), grind them in a reproduction Victorian coffee grinder and make the coffee in a cafetiere. I don’t even know what instant coffee crystals are :slight_smile:

Like Nescafé!! My friends drank instant coffee, I kid you not, she was not interested in the Kona coffee I brought.

I honestly ground it up and made it for myself since they didn’t want it!

Mind you I had to mix my own half and half. Because while you have cream there and you have milk, you don’t have half and half!

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You do know!! Freeze dried coffee like Nescafé !


I don’t really understand the location rating. Are they rating on whether the location was as described? Because if I chose a place because it had a little bit more quiet, neighborhood feel, then shouldn’t I give it 5 stars even if I had to take a short bus ride to get to the attractions? Or am I dinging it because it isn’t walkable to everything? I feel like the rating should only be on whether it was as described. I would only ding if a host said it was a 5 minute walk to restaurants and shops but it was actually 30 minutes. But I think guests often rate based on where they would have liked to be, not what they actively chose based on the description at the time they booked.


And that is why we all hate this rating, it’s too subjective and most guests don’t have a clue.

Well @Arlene_Larsson most guests don’t choose the neighbourhood because it’s quiet. They choose it because it’s cheaper and because they think at least it’s only a 15 minute ride away from town. And then once they’ve checked in they think ‘ugh it’s a 15 minute ride away from town, I would actually prefer to be closer’.

It’s called changing the goal posts but apparently the customer is always right.


I’ve had 4 stars for location.

It really stung when my guests from hell left private feed back acknowledging that they knew my location but had decided the trade off for a cheaper (further out of the city) place would be worth it.

Then if you knew what you were doing and why you were doing it how can you ding me for it!!