How to set a cleaning fee for 1-night stays only?

Hi everyone
I’ve searched to see if I can find the answer to this already… I’m happy to have guests for 1-night stays but due to the extra prep work and changing of sheets etc after just 1 night, I’d like to add a cleaning fee JUST for 1-nighters. Is that possible?
I don’t want to add a cleaning fee for stays longer than one night…

As far as I know there is no way to set a cleaning fee specific to the number of nights booked. You can only set a cleaning fee, or not - but no way to vary it depending on the # of nights.

What I can suggest is that instead of pre-approving a potential guest, you indicate in the description that bookings of one night are subject to X cleaning fee. Then when you have a potential guest inquiry, send them a special offer that includes the cleaning fee. Try it!


What @superhostnyc said, but remember you have to turn off instant book first.

Thanks very much for your feedback, that’s a good option. It really is something that should be an option for us hosts, many hotels charge extra for 1-night stays to cover cleaning.

You could add the cleaning fee into your price and turn off instant book. If you have guests staying more than one night give them a discount of what the cleaning fee is.

Yes, what @Maggy said - I would not respond to an inquiry with a ‘by the way, I’m adding a cleaning fee’.

We just added a small cleaning fee, to make up some of the difference, but over 2 and three nights it makes a small difference.

So calculate what you want for the one night, and charge that, with the cleaning fee. Adjust it until over the typical stay (say, three nights) it more or less evens out. For our situation, $20 additional makes the one-nights worthwhile, but that’s only $10 per night over two nights - make sense?

But please, don’t respond to an inquiry with a price increase. That will smell bad and reflect on all hosts.


My cleaning fee is $10, it evens out and it’s not so high that people who are staying a week are thinking, “first its 200 than 10 dollars!!??!!”

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What Airbnb should really do is allow us to have pricing for 1-2-3-how ever many days stay–like they do for weekly and monthly–and then we could eliminate the cleaning fee altogether. Because that’s really what it’s about, right?