How to find gay friendly airbnb listings or market your listing to the gay community

I have no idea what my guest’s sexual orientation is, unless they mention a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, since I only host one guest at a time. So I figure guests would realize their proclivities wouldn’t be obvious to me unless they made them so.

And since guests can see I’ve hosted both males and females, and my guests have left great reviews, I should hope that no one would be wary and would trust that they’d be welcome.

Yes you are correct. My nunma wasn’t directed at anyone. It was my personal self depreciating comment. I didn’t want someone thinking I was nosy.

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I had to look it up. My adult beverage of choice is Chardonnay so I’m a bit uninformed about other options.

It’s a bit expensive at the Total Wine store so I have to keep my eyes open for when they offer a free tasting.

“Oloroso is a variety of fortified wine made in Jerez and Montilla-Moriles and produced by oxidative aging.”


I hope they don’t judge you by looking at your picture. :wink:

As a guest one of the things I look for are overt religiosity of a conservative nature. It’s not just someone saying “God is the most important thing in my life” or the display of a cross or crucifix in the home. Like Justice Stewart said about identifying porn, “I know it when I see it.” LOL.

A concrete example: when I was looking for a place in South Carolina 2 years ago I rejected a listing whose owner said she was an employee of the Nazarene Church. They are explicitly gay hostile. I found a very nice Airbnb with a wonderful friendly liberal owner and a hotel for a different city. The hotel was recommended by a member here that I trust.

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Hey, that’s the best photo I had of myself unless I posted one that was from back when I was young and cute.
You should see how scary I look on most photos :slight_smile:

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As I’ve said previously, many guests think I’m male and I don’t disabuse them of the notion either way.

Thanks, saved me the googling I have meant to look it up too


Sad to hear that this is an issue and “gay friendly” has to be a category of its own. All my listings are “all people friendly” and my bnb is welcome to anyone who wants to enjoy their stay in an accommodating setting. Discrimination from hotel staff is is just another reason why bnb’s are becoming more popular in todays world. I hope anyone who wants to enjoy vacation rentals is free to do so without any bias or poor treatment based on their backgrounds.

about a friend showing grace of a female when mistaken as male:

Beloved friend. Breast cancer. Chemotherapy. Hair loss. Hated wearing Matilda (wig) because hot. Often wore cotton ball caps.

Double mastectomy - new so no reconstruction yet & tender so would opt for not wearing “padded” undershirt.

McDonalds line. Cheerful “Can I help you sir?” My friend speaks and young girl cashier embarrassed & didn’t know what to say or do.

My friend laughs, “honey no worries. I’ve got no hair, No boobs. Easy mistake. I’d like a Big Mac combo”

10 months later-funeral. I learned a lot from her.