How new review by guest looks like?

Can anyone please post screenshots of the review interface that guest goes through when he or she evaluates host?
I stayed at airbnb last time one year ago and apparently it has changed a lot since then.

Thanks tons!

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I just happened to take screen shots of this last month, so it should be up to date, here come a ton of screen shots, I hope I didn’t mis any b/c there were a lot of pages to this newer/longer review.

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(I’m sending them one by one so they will be in the correct order)


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I hope I remembered to screen shot all of them. Maybe someone can correct me if I’m missing anything here!


@yecatsr Wow, wow, wow. Thank you SOOOO MUCH!!!
Now it’s perfectly clear how overall thing turns into 4-star when everything else is 5-star. Very sad.

Thanks again!

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Yeah, that’s pretty sucky that they can rate 5 star in all the categories, but Air lets them give you an overall that does not add up to the former!

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I’ve got a few of those ( all 5-star with overall 4-star) lately.
I can’t blame guests for this. I’m very happy when they got what they expected.

I find it very disingenuous to hosts. Yet, it’s a huge corporation. They can do anything they want…

P.S. another good reason to actively look for another type of income.

Happy hosting to everybody!

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such BS on a gut wrenching basis
Pretty smug stuff

Don’t you just LOVE how we are being “rated” for such things as how “stylish” our space is? Seriously…

I feel that in the Help prepare for future guest section it should be premised with “At Least” for 1 Pillow per guest, 1 towel per guest. Most of us have more than that. I had a guest that marked no on towels because she thought it meant only 1, not multiple. She felt bad that it ended up showing I had none at all even though I have at least 2-3 per guest.


@AvaH, I had EXACTLY, the same thing happen to me. I could have written your post word for word, guest feels terrible, and it’s all documented in Airbnb messages. Have you communicated the error t ABB and if so, what was the result?

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I suspect(hope!) that those items are there to be selected for that highlights section at the top of the listing and not to be rated. Hopefully.

That’s one of the first things I thought too. I leave plenty of everything but it makes it seem that I might as well not bother now and just leave the minimum.

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Yes, that’s exactly where they end up. My point is one man’s “Stylish” is another man’s dump. This is a subjective category, and no, does not weigh on the ratings, just that huge box at the top of our listings’.

I think they could do away with the “Stylish” and replace it with something like “very functional” question. LOL.

EDIT: You can only see/check this section of “Compliments” on the phone app, not on the website interface, at least this is true for me. Of course I can’t see “recommended by X number of hosts” (which is essentially the thumbs up or down rating of guests by hosts) ANYWHERE. Still looking for an answer why some of us can’t see that!


So true! I describe our waterfront rental as ‘retro’ but I’ve heard guests describe it as ‘dated’. :thinking:

Oh good lord…My point exactly.

See my edit above of the thumbs up/down. Why can’t some of us hosts see this? What’s the point if hosts can’t see what other hosts have rated guests “overall”? Any clue @jaquo

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