How much liability insurance does one need through private insurance?

I am wondering if there is a good rule of thumb as to how much liability (for guests who might sue, get hurt, etc., on the property) to purchase for an airbnb. The property has no pool or anything unusually dangerous. From what I’ve read we cannot count on airbnb’s one million dollar liability policy. Any thoughts?

I would set the limit high enough that it would protect me from having to sell my house if I lost a personal injury suit. Plaintiffs will ask for the world, but juries usually base awards on medical costs and lost income.

Rather than ask your insurance agent, I would ask a personal injury attorney, what we used to call an ambulance chaser here in the US, how much coverage you should have. :wink:


You should also get an umbrella insurance (one million) for further protection. If the homeowner’s didn’t pay out enough then your umbrella insurance can kick in. It’s not expensive and you pay annually.

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Our state requires $100,000, but the suggestion to have an umbrella is a good one. I was sued was for $1.4 Million in a car case. It wasn’t pretty.


Thanks, we have one million and I was thinking that is more than I need, but yes, a lawyer would be good to ask.

Thanks, I’ll ask our insurance company about that!

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That’s scary! So sorry about that. But it goes to show you that anything is possible.

Our county needs 500,000.00 liability insurance to operate an STR! But I did change my insurance provider to one that had knowledge with STR’s! My premiums were almost double, but I felt confident that myself and my home were protected! Other STR owners I know have kept with their home owner “rental property” policies! Neither of us has had to claim, so we shall see!