How long before a guest review shows up?

Hello - we are fairly new to the vacation rental home business and had our first guest who booked through Airbnb. How long does it usually take before their review will be viewable on our listing?



You will be asked to review your guest. It appears on your dashboard and you have 14 days to leave a review. If you both leave a review before the 14 days both show up immediately.

Hi - I received an email asking for me to review my guest which I did and also was able to see the review they left. It’s not longer on my dashboard or posted on my listing.

If you can see the review I am not quite sure what you are asking?

Sorry for the confusion. I saw the review via an email link and responded/reviewed the guest. It is not on my host dashboard and does not appear on my listing.

I’m not understanding this. You shouldn’t have been able to see the review via an email link and then write your own. Neither party should see reviews until both have written one,

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You receive a message/email asking you to complete a review for guests soon after they leave on the day; presumably they get one too. If you don’t do it then, you will receive reminders. Sometimes the guest reviews you first and you will get a message to say so, reminding you that you won’t be able to see it until you write your review of them. Until both reviews are completed, before the 14 days are up, they won’t appear on you dashboard. If you don’t leave them one, theirs will appear after 14 days nonetheless.

Hope this makes some sense!

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