How far ahead can guests book?

Remember too that some sites might accept your embedded Airbnb ad. This is one of my own sites and I’ve used the embed code in the sidebar on the right. Tastes Magazine

Hi @jaquo,

Thank you very much. That’s really helpful.

I’m currently contemplating buying a domain name for my listing. They’re mostly quite cheap, at least for a year. Maybe I’ll start another thread for that…

Your listing looks incredibly fancy. But I expect everyone tells you that…

Thanks for the suggestion about articles. It’s one thing to write about a vacation home in rural Italy, which is, like one of the most photogenic places on the planet. (An example is the film “Stealing Beauty”, which was partly filmed in Tuscany, I think. I was mesmerized by the scenery - I don’t think I paid much attention to the actual film.) It’s another to write something interesting about South Bombay. :slight_smile: But I’ll think about what I can say, if anything.

Oh, and one question. Why did you switch from using your own site to using Airbnb, given that you already had a working system?

Hi @faheem ,

When we rented before, we tended to get either weekend guests or longer term guests. That was fine but it meant that we were rarely fully booked. Then we decided to rent the apartment to a long-term tenant for a year. Everything was fine until he stopped paying the rent after six months! We needed to recoup our losses (because it wasn’t easy to get rid of him) so decided to give Airbnb a try. It’s worked out SO much better so we decided to use Air exclusively.

Hi @jaquo

Oh, wow.

Yes, I see. I guess more people do look at Airbnb.
Thanks for the clarification.

So, replying to the thread I started. It’s annoying that Airbnb doesn’t allow custom number of days ahead. Another fail. It’s either 3 months or 6 months. Is there any way around this? I don’t see one.