House Name Suggestions / Branding

This might help you.

I particularly liked “Ard na Mara”

Ard means “height; peak” and mara means “sea.” This house was on a hill and on a clear day you could see the ocean. Even if you reverse “hill” and “ocean” in the description it still works.

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There is a thread on the same subject that was posted a few days ago. Have you had a look at it?

Lots of useful ideas around this subject.

When you have chosen your name do some research online/on social media to make sure it’s not already taken/and to make sure it’s not too similar to a local competitor.

I wouldn’t use a Gaelic name if you are trying to help people find you on social media.

As always what’s important with social media is that you provide regular quality content ie words, photos and videos and that you invest time and effort in gaining likes/followers amongst your target audience.

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Thanks Helsi,

Appreciate your feedback! I’ll have a look back at the thread from a few days ago! Looking forward to choosing a name and getting the branding and social media side of things moving!
