House manual describing area that are off limits

Dear fellow hosts,

I am about to list my apartment located in a block of 2.

My apartment ‘10A’ is on the 1st floor, my neighbour ‘10B’ is on the 2nd. The ground floor only has an entrance and two small toilets which do not lock from the outside, one belonging to me and one to my neighbour. Then a staircase leading to the upper floors.

I would not like my guests to venture into the ground floor toilets and to access the 2nd floor and disturb my neighbour. Would it make sense to write something along these lines in the house manual:

“Restricted Areas
Please note, you are not allowed to access any of the rooms in the condo apart from the apartment marked 10A on the 1st floor. The 2nd floor is also out of bounds.

Would you include this as a rule ?

Would appreciate your feedback :slight_smile:


It is absolutely fine to put that restriction in your house rules. Be warned though, that many guests will be confused and accidentally wander in to off limits areas. If I were you I would add locks to the bathroom doors.