Hosts education

Hi guys,
Can you share some education materials for hosts? Do you use some paid services? Blogs/ webinars that you know of?

Have you had a look at Airbnb Help Centre and the Community Centre which has guides and tutorials.

Of course this forum is a great resource.

What area of hosting with Airbnb did you want more information about?


I echo @Helsi’s comments. Airbnb help files and this forum are the best way to go.

I would avoid all the e-books that are available on Amazon with daft titles such as ‘How to Make a Fortune on Airbnb’. There are also many articles online that are the same sort of thing. In fact I read one online article about ‘how-to’ which was written by someone who had only hosted for a few months!

This forum is the best resource. Try to read as much as you can and be sure to ask specific questions and join in. Be aware that every host here is different so we don’t always agree :slight_smile:


We are going to remove this link per forum owners as it takes readers off our site.


There are forum members here who collectively know as much as another other site, blog or book and this site is completely free for your use.

I agree with the other posters that you don’t really need any other education site between this and Airbnb.


This forum has absolutely been my go-to resource for all things hosting. I receive my Airbnb education and my host therapy here. It’s one-stop shopping, and I am forever grateful. :slight_smile:


Funny - I just saw one of those ‘how to make a fortune on Airbnb’ websites. Guess what the title was in the coding?

> Learn How To Create A Six-Fugure AirBNB Business

Would you spend your money with someone who can’t even spell? Would you trust them? Note that the title in the coding is the title that search engines display in the results pages. Would you even click on it?



Thanks a lot guys for your responses! I am using help center quite often and I am really confident as well that this forum can help a lot.


They really “fug-ed” that up, didn’t they?!?! :wink:


Hi all,

One more option for education is visiting webinars. By the way, we are planning to have one quite soon. You are all invited! We are going to talk about working Pricing strategies and AI technologies that will level up your business. We have invited an external speaker from Beyond Pricing to make it even more interesting for you. Sign up to save your spot!
Here is a link to find out more and register:
We’d be happy if you could join us.:slight_smile: