Hosts: beware of the "I never give a bad review" hosts

Don’t assume that a guest with glowing reviews will meet your expectations.. There are many threads here from hosts being ‘shocked’ that the 5 star guest they accepted had 3 star actions.

Some hosts believe that “never giving a bad review” is a moral high ground, but in reality, it’s just passing a problem guest to the next host. This can result in broken house rules, messiness, or making a host so uncomfortable that they vent on forums instead of addressing the issue directly.

Thinking that a private message will reform a guest is another misconception. A polite PM won’t magically change a guest’s behavior.

Finally, expecting unanimous support from forum members is unrealistic. The hosts here are honest and direct—they won’t coddle those seeking validation instead of taking responsibility. Honest public reviews are crucial for maintaining standards and protecting the hosting community.


How can we avoid such hosts?

You cannot - they don’t know they are not good hosts. Hopefully they will learn from this forum, or others (like Reddit etc) and change their behavior.

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I remember when I 1st came on here I was so bashed that I nearly did not come back. But I persevered and learned a lot, made some online friends and utilized much found actual useful information.


I have also received my fair (unfair? smirk) share of bashings and I’ve always come away with excellent advice, even if I didn’t like it.

Perfectly stated, as always, @gypsy


Am I mistaken, or are you not the host who never leaves a bad review?:thinking: I’m kind of speechless here!


I generally give 5 stars to guests who’ve left the place in a tidy state, as that in the end is all that matters. On the rare occasion, I’ve wanted to, but dont say more in the review about the guests’ manner.

Me, too. But then I realized that I was not required to respond to everything someone said to me or about me. After I learned that, I was able to get down to the business of getting and giving advice - and sometimes just tell a story I think others might find amusing.


Speechless is good. I encourage you to stay that way.

I think one of the issues that challenges hosts when it comes to giving honest reviews is that the language and phrasing often looks " wrong" or comes out as reading petty.
There have been quite a few contributors on this forum who have expressed doubt about their proposed reviews and asked for help and opinion and I’ve always been impressed by the excellent skill some respondents have in this area and I’ve learnt from them. Sticking to facts in an objective way seems to be the main way for a critical review to read well and I think also that in this context, and life in general, it’s important to be kind - and if you can’t be kind then have a sense of humour.


We’re all taken aback by the OP from the “please help me write a review… oh wait, you’re all awful people” post. And the level of rudeness… Perhaps their guest will write a review… I’d like to see that!


He has. I’ll have to wait the customary 14 days before I can see it though

I never asked for help writing a review.

I don’t write them, hence I don’t need assistance writing them.

Hey all, do not feed the troll…


You could always write a review yourself, & see what lovely things he has to say about his host :speak_no_evil: Oops…


Bella says “MEeeee. Ow!” :wink:

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