Host has door access code in listing

I was just checking out other hosts listings to check out the local competition and noticed under Guest Access, they have listed “door access code is XXXXXX.” Wow, oops! We have similar electronic door access, so we sent a message pointing this out to let them know. “Hey, you should edit this out!” Had to send an inquiry with dates to message them, hope they get it. Looks like a beautiful place! Contact AirBnB?


Hum … maybe go check out the house and see what they offer in bedding and kitchen supplies first? :wink:


Yeah, I would probably call ABB if you don’t hear back. Might not do anything but you tried!


Good for you. He is probably very appreciative


Airbnb is quirky sometimes and people don’t realize what is public. I’ve had two guests with profile pics of their driver’s licenses. I messaged both and suggested they change that picture!

Good for you for trying to let the host know.

I’ve two conflicting thoughts about trying to get it removed if the owner doesn’t:

  1. You’ve tried which is more than his guests to date have done, leave it alone.
  2. More than him losing “stuff” is at risk here, the guests’ personal safety is at risk. Let him know again that with the code the bad guys steal everything and/or hurt anyone inside. If no response, send it to AIRBNB CS.
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I am amazed Airbnb don’t remove the information. They remove addresses etc…

You did a good thing, spread good karma, performed a mitzvah.

On the one hand Air suggests I list my permit number, then they block it out because their algorithm confuses it with a phone number. Your competitor’s code must be too short to get noticed?

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So the only response I got from the host was an approval to book. lol. I don’t want to book, I’ve got my own place a mile away! He still hasn’t removed the code from the listing either.

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Well, you tried … :joy:

Wow, even without the stupid mistake, what a crappy host to not even bother reading a potential guest’s message! I would use the “Report this listing” link on their listing.

Maybe he wants to get robbed so he can use insurance to get new stuff.